Recent Publications in Music
221 Ergebnisse gefunden
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The body in sound, music and performance : studies in audio and sonic arts /. :1onlineresource.
2023. Career choices in music beyond the pandemic : musical and psychological perspectives /. :1onlineresource(xxv,124pages).
2023. Ferences iskoladrámák. 4.[köt.]. Csíksomlyói passiójátékok, 1763-1774 . Régi magyar drámai emlékek. XVIII. század. 6/4:823.
2023. Knowing the children we teach : essays on music learning /. :xvii,130pages:.
2023. .
2023. .
2023. The names of minimalism : authorship, art music, and historiography in dispute /. :1onlineresource(xi,253pages):.
2023. Popular music heritage, cultural justice and the deindustrialising city . :1onlineresource(76pages).
2023. Sounding conflict : from resistance to reconciliation /. :xi,224pages:.
2023. Sounds of apocalypse : music in Poland under German occupation /. vol. 25:1onlineresource..
2023. Sponsorship culture in the German university popular music festival market . volume 6:257pages:.
2023. .
2023. .
2023. Beethoven in Beijing : stories from the Philadelphia Orchestra's historic journey to China /. :xvii,170pages:.
2022. .
2022. .
2022. A complete absence of wit & wisdom : occasional writing by New Zealand composer Philip Norman. :196.
2022. The cultural and artistic legacy of Oliver Mtukudzi : using language for social justice /. :1onlineresource(277pages).
2022. Experiencing music composition in grades K-2 . :ix,135pages:.
2022. The Hamilton phenomenon . :xxi,230pages:.
2022. I Louis Armstrongs fodspor : erindringer om et langt liv med jazzmusik altid med Louis Armstrong som inspiration /. :321pages:.
2022. Italská opera v mozartovské Praze . :300stran,8nečíslovanýchstranobrazovýchpříloh:.
2022. .
2022. Ligeti's macroharmonies : a graphical-statistical analysis of Book 3 of the piano etudes /. :1onlineresource(1volume):.
2022. Seiten
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