Recent Publications in Music

974 Ergebnisse gefunden
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Filterkriterien: Anfangsbuchstabe Des Nachnamens gleich B  [Alle Filter zurücksetzen]
Bartók B, Somfai L, Várjon D.  2017.  15 ungarische Bauernlieder : BB 79 . :VII,24.
Ballard L, Bengtson M, Young JBell.  2017.  The Alexander Scriabin companion : history, performance, and lore /. :xviii,422pages:.
Ballard L, Bengtson M, Young JBell.  2017.  The Alexander Scriabin companion : history, performance, and lore /. :xviii,422pages:.
Bohman S.  2017.  Arbetslösas röster . :175pages:.
Ban B.  2017.  Arhivska glazbena građa vukovarskog franjevačkog samostana. :282.
Leonard KPreston, Budds MJ.  2017.  The art songs of Louise Talma . no. 9:xi,290pages:.
Burzynska J, Parallel CH, Hope J, Russell B.  2017.  An audacious decade : celebrating Canterbury's sound community. :78:colourillustrations.
Wolff C, Söhnel M, Zepf M.  2017.  Bach : eine Lebensgeschichte in Bildern = a life in pictures /. :469pages:.
Bálványos A, Fabényi J.  2017.  Bartók : Ludwig Múzeum-Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum 2016. október 7.-2017. február 5.. :209.
Boomhower DF, Komara EM, Maple A, Vick L.  2017.  A basic music library : essential scores and sound recordings /. :3volumes;.
Berger K.  2017.  Beyond reason : Wagner contra Nietzsche /. :1onlineresource.
Verbei W, Rollins S, J. Boom FG.  2017.  Boom's Blues : music, journalism and friendship in wartime /. :xvi,301pages:.
Benedetti E.  2017.  Cello, bow and you : putting it all together /. :xx,234pages:illustrations;24cm.
Bartók B, Móricz K.  2017.  Concerto for orchestra : BB 123 . Béla Bartók complete critical edition. Serie III. Orchestral works:253.
Bugos JA.  2017.  Contemporary research in music learning across the lifespan : music education and human development /. 4:xii,260pages:illustrations;.
Biddle ID, Gibson K.  2017.  Cultural histories of noise, sound and listening in Europe, 1300-1918 . :1onlineresource.
Barbieri M.  2017.  Cynthia Hansell Bakić : vissi d'arte, vissi d'amore. :205.
Bozó P.  2017.  A dalszerző Liszt. :216.
