London, UK ;, United Kingdom,, 244 pages : (2019)Signatur:
Exhibitions., Historiography., Music museums., Popular music, Popular-music archives.Hinweise:
Includes bibliographical references and index.The precarity of memory, heritage and history in remembering popular music's past / Lauren Istvandity and Zelmarie Cantillon -- Memory. Consuming popular music heritage / Paul Long ; Back in the day : experiencing and retelling the past as a claim to belong in the current northern soul scene / Sarah Raine ; Resilience and change : popular folk songs in a cultural landscape / Ashton Sinamai and John Schofield ; Remembering the independent record shop : the ordinary affects of Leedin Records / Adele Pavlidis ; Mean streets as heritage object : music, nostalgia and the museumification of Martin Scorsese / Amanda Howell -- Heritage. Mark II : re-working the heritage b(r)and / Shane Homan ; The continually precarious state of the musical object / Charles Fairchild ; Showing off : taking popular music research into the museum / Peter Doyle ; Preserving Icelandic popular music heritage : issues of collection, access and representation / Zelmarie Cantillon, Bob Buttigieg and Sarah Baker ; Questioning the future of popular music heritage in the age of platform capitalism / Raphaël Nowak -- History. Jim Jarmusch's Mystery train (1989) : representing the Memphis music legacy on film / Adriano Tedde and David Baker -- Phenomenology of the Surf Ballroom's winter dance party : affect and community at a popular music heritage tourism event / Sheryl Davis, Sherry Davis and Zelmarie Cantillon ; Disappearing history : two cases studies on the precarity of music writing / Ian Rogers ; Great albums, greedy collectors and gritty sounds? : a view from snobbish connoisseurs on the canonization and archivalism of Korean pop-rock / Hyunjoon Shin and Keewoong Lee ; Towards a feminist history of popular music : re-examining writing on musicians and domestic violence in the wake of #metoo / Catherine Strong.
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