Recent Publications in Music

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Bonnette-Bailey LM, Belk AG.  2022.  For the culture : Hip-Hop and the fight for social justice /. :xii,334pages:.
Bonnette-Bailey LM, Belk AG.  2022.  For the culture : Hip-Hop and the fight for social justice /. :xii,334pages:.
Holbrook ANorton, Beller-McKenna D.  2022.  For the sake of the song : essays on Townes Van Zandt /. :v,233pages;.
Willnauer F, Büning E.  2022.  Frauen um Mahler : die Wegbegleiterinnen des Komponisten porträtiert nach Briefen, Tagebüchern und zeitgenössischen Dokumenten /. :407pages:.
[Gast].  2022.  Glazba i iskustvo povijesti = Music and Historical Experience : svečani zbornik za Sanju Majer-Bobetko. Muzikološki zbornici = Musicological proceedings . :598.
Bokelman M, Evans D, Wade S.  2022.  Going up the country : adventures in blues fieldwork in the 1960s /. :1onlineresource(xxv,299pages):.
Bassani F.  2022.  Gregorio Ballabene's forty-eight-part mass for twelve choirs (1772) . no. 38:viii,120pages:.
Bucur V.  2022.  Handbook of materials for percussion musical instruments . :1onlineresource(xix,1042pages):.
Bence C.  2022.  Hangok és ütemek . :203.
Barclay M.  2022.  Hearts on fire : six years that changed Canadian music, 2000-2005 /. :pagescm.
Kutschke B, Butler K.  2022.  The heroic in music . :xii,290pages:.
Laukvik J., Bovet G..  2022.  Historical performance practice in organ playing. . :448pages:.
Bezdíček V..  2022.  Hledání světla : portrét skladatele Zdeňka Šestáka /. :550pages:.
Byron T, O'Regan J.  2022.  Hooks in popular music . :1onlineresource(xvi,459pages):.
Dixon I, Black B.  2022.  I'm not a film star : David Bowie as actor /. :1onlineresource(xxvi,308pages):.
Dixon I, Black B.  2022.  I'm not a film star : David Bowie as actor /. :xxvi,308pages:.
Bernstein LF.  2022.  Inside Mahler's Second symphony : a listener's guide /. :xliii,266pages:.
Bateson CV.  2022.  Irish American Civil War songs : identity, loyalty, and nationhood /. :xiii,301pages:.
Blackwell C., Morley P..  2022.  The Islander My Life in Music and Beyond.. :1onlineresource(323p.).
Blackwell C, Morley P.  2022.  The islander : my life in music and beyond /. :xiv,334pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Borbála M.  2022.  Jeles embereink : Kovácsné Majoros Etelka & Nagyik és Unokák Énekkar . :71.
Butler LEdwards.  2022.  Johann Scheibe : organ builder in Leipzig at the time of Bach /. :xix,318pages:.
Butler LEdwards.  2022.  Johann Scheibe : organ builder in Leipzig at the time of Bach /. :1onlineresource(xix,318pages):.
Byrne KJames, Fuchs E.  2022.  The jukebox musical : an interpretive history /. :139pages;.
Blake M.  2022.  A kind of magic : Queen A-tól Z-ig . :526.
