Vaš Štolcer : pisma Josipa Štolcera Slavenskog kanoniku Janku Barleu = Your Štolcer: letters from Josip Štolcer Slavenski to Canon Janko Barle




Zagreb : Katolički bogoslovni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Croatia, p.185 (2021)






<p>This book, created on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the birth of the composer Josip Štolcer Slavenski (1896 – 1955), presents to the public the original Stolcer<br />letters addressed to the Zagreb canon Janko Barlè. It seems that their po-<br />science and friendship started thanks to the magazine Sv. Cecilia. Direct evidence<br />about forty letters were written during ten years (from May<br />1919 to May 1929) which were found at the Institute for Church Music<br />Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Zagreb, Vlaška 38, Zagreb.<br />The time of creation of these letters is connected with, perhaps most importantly, creative development<br />the better compositions of Josip Štolcer Slavenski - a time in which the strength of the young<br />sti and with the fervor of the first syntheses absorbed and boldly implemented those stylistic and technical determinants<br />which makes it so special (steps towards new systems and new sound!)<br />representative of contemporary Croatian music. 1 It is less known that it was during this period that Štolcer had a valuable friend and companion on his life's journey - a canon of the Zagreb archdiocese and editor of the magazine Sv. Cecilia – Janko Barlèa.</p>