Conference PaperQuelle:
Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinskom u umjetnosti = The Impact of the Battle of Szigetvár and the Myth of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski on the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Literature), Zagreb : Hrvatsko muzikološko društvo , Croatia (2018)ISBN:
Badalić, libreto, talijanski prepjev, Zajc, ZrinjskiZusammenfassung:
Operatic librettos have been translated into Croatian since the very first opera performances in Zagreb in the 1870s. The first Italian libretto to be translated into Croatian, as documented in the Repertory of Croatian Theatres (1990), was Verdi's Il Trovatore, translated by August Šenoa in 1871. In the same period, apart from Šenoa, Dimitrija Demeter, Ivan Trnski, Mijo Bišćan, Josip Eugen Tomić and many others translated librettos from Italian into Croatian. This paper examines a rare example of a printed Italian translation of Hugo Badalić's libretto for the opera Nikola Šubić Zrinjski (1876) set to music by the composer Ivan Zajc. Tine piano reduction was published in Zagreb in 1884 by the editor Kočonda & Nikolić and it con¬tains both the original as well as the translated Italian text. The translator is a certain Gian Paolo di Carminati, a teacher from Rijeka and friend of Zajc, about whom we have otherwise very little information. Furthermore, there is no information about the purpose of this edition or of any staging of the opera in Italian. By comparing the two texts, such as they appear in this version, the analysis brings into focus the translation strategies applied by Carminati, with special regard to the culturally specific, idiomatic elements and their transposition into the target language.
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