Nikola Šubić Zrinski and Hungarian Symphonists at the Turn of the Twentieth Century


Conference Paper


Péter Bozó


Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinskom u umjetnosti = The Impact of the Battle of Szigetvár and the Myth of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski on the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Literature), Zagreb : Hrvatsko muzikološko društvo, Croatia (2018)




Croatia, Ernő Dohnányi, Hungary, Jelena Zrinska=Ilona Zrínyi, Karl Goldmark, Miklós Zrinyi, Nikola Šubić Zrinski, Nikola Zrinski = Miklós Zrinyi VII, Symphonies


The Croatian national hero Nikola Šubić Zrinski (c. 1508-1566) was also included in the Hungarian national historical pantheon under the magyarized name Miklös Zrinyi. This fact is hardly surprising considering the common histo-rical past of the two nations and the close familial ties between Croatian and Hungarian historical aristocracy. Nikola VII. Zrinski / Miklös Zrinyi VII, the great- grandson of the hero of Szigetvar, was not only a soldier but also a poet and the au-thor of the Hungarian Baroque epic poem, Obsidio Szigetiana (The Siege of Sziget). Ni¬kola Šubić Zrinski and the literary works of his great-grandson also became important subjects for composers active in Hungary. Two Hungarian symphonic pieces written around 1900 are studied: Erno Dohnânyi's Zrinyi Overture (1896) and Karl Goldmark's overture or symphonic poem entitled Zrinyi (op. 47), written and first performed in 1903 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Budapest Philharmonic Society.