New York, NY : Lesser Gods, United States, p.272 pages (2017)ISBN:
9781944713010Andere Nummer:
oclc: 945948910Zusammenfassung:
<p>It's about luv (Who is H.R.?) -- Prelude: Roots, 1956 and beyond -- Make a joyful noise, 1971-1977 -- Rock for light, 1977-1979 -- Banned in DC, 1979-1981 -- Destroy Babylon, 1981-1983 -- Human Rights, 1983-1985 -- Return to heaven, 1985-1987 -- With the Quickness, 1987-1990 -- Let LUV lead (The way), 1990-1994 -- Voyage into infinity, 1994-1995 -- Shitfit, 1995 -- New sun, 1995-1998 -- Soul Brains, 1998-2013 -- House of suffering/I and I survive, 2013 and beyond.</p>
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