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Yakupov AN.  2020.  Paradoxes of management in culture . :1onlineresource(viii,485pages.)..
Yamada K..  2016.  Jiden wakaki hi no kyōshikyoku . Ya-36-2:357pages;.
Yamada C.  2017.  Gidayūbushi no katari ni okeru kihan to henkei : jiai no ongakugakuteki kenkyū /. 2:295pages:.
Yamada T.  2018.  Saibara hyōgenshi : wazauta to shite monogataru uta /. :306pages;.
Yamamoto H.  2017.  Taiko no bunkashi . :284pages:.
Yamashita H.  2018.  "Heike monogatari" no nō, kyōgen o yomu . :vii,382,2pages:.
Yang, Dingwang = 杨丁旺.  2015.  A gong qiang yin yue da quan = 阿宫腔音乐大全. :557.
Yang, Heping = 杨和平.  2015.  Min jian yin yue = 民间音乐 . Fei wu zhi wen hua yi chan yan jiu cong shu = 非物质文化遗产研究丛书. :283.
Yang, Sai = 杨赛.  2015.  Zhong guo yin yue mei xue yuan fan chou yan jiu = 中国音乐美学原范畴研究. :364.
Yang, Xifan = 杨曦帆.  2015.  Yin yue de wen hua shen fen = 音乐的文化身份: 以“藏彝走廊”为例的民族音乐学探索 . :221.
Yao, Zhihui = 姚志辉, Wan S.  2015.  Jiangxi chuan tong yin yue gai shu = 江西传统音乐概述. :190.
Yard R.  2020.  Mike Oldfield : every album, every song /. :1volume:.
Yeaman G.E.  2012.  A century for 'Danny Boy' : a tribute to the life and times of the prolific yet almost forgotten songwriter Fred E. Weatherly (1849-1929) /. :66pages:.
Yearsley DGaynor, András B.  2022.  Szex, halál, menüett : Anna Magdalena Bach és kottafüzetei . :390.
Yearsley DGaynor.  2019.  Sex, death, and minuets : Anna Magdalena Bach and her musical notebooks /. :viii,324pages:.
Yewdall JLeonard.  2012.  A permanent record . :348pages:.
Yi Y-mi, Cho Y-meeYu, Yoon J, Park BJ.  2022.  You call that music?! : Korean popular music through the generations / :xvii,124pages;.
Yordanova I., Camões J..  2022.  Eighteenth-Century Theatre Capitals . :1onlineresource(466p.).
Yordanova I, Fernandes C.  2021.  "Padron mio colendissimo ..." : letters about music and the stage in the 18th century /. 4:xii,804pages:.
Yordanova I, Raggi G, Biggi MIda.  2020.  Theatre spaces for music in 18th-century Europe . :1onlineresource.
Yorkston J..  2011.  It's lovely to be here : the touring diaries of a Scottish gent /. :xviii,265p.:.
Yoshida Y..  2016.  Baritō kamen buyōgeki no jinruigaku : hito to mono no orinasu geinō /. :382pages;.
