News from the Petrucci Music Library

This reached us from the Petrucci Library:

The IMSLP/PML archive passed the count of 250,000 free online scores on Saturday evening (last week). It marks a fairly important milestone for us. We also wish to take the opportunity to thank all the MLA members and partner libraries like Sibley, University of Louisville, Gaylord Library, the Danish Royal Library, and the BNF-Gallica and all others whose assistance and kind help have made it possible. Onward to half a million!

Das erreichte uns von der Petrucci Library:

Das Archiv der IMSLP/PML hat am Samstagabend der vergangenen Woche die 250.000 Marke der frei zugänglichen Online-Partituren überschritten. Das ist ein wichtiger Meilenstein für uns. Wir möchten hiermit auch die Gelegenheit ergreifen, um allen MLA-Mitgliedern und den Partner-Bibliotheken, wie z. B. Sibley, University of Louisville, Gaylord Library, die Dänische Königliche Bibliothek, und die BNF-Gallica und allen anderen deren Mithilfe dieses ermöglichte, zu danken. Auf zu einer halben Million!


Everyone should know that some of these "free" 250.000 scores are from documents of Libraries that never authorized this type of use. The Library of the Milan's Conservatory had this experience multiple times, and there was no way to have the corresponding PDFs removed from Petrucci Library.


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