This announcement came to us from the Sonneck mailing list of the Society for American Music:
This year is the 14th annual online event known as National Carry A Tune Week and runs from Sunday, October 5 to Saturday, October 11, 2014.
The week of remembrance was begun in 2001 as a way to remember those lost in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and also to help keep alive American tunes from the past. The week in October was chosen to honor the birth of important American composer, William Billings, born in Boston, October 7, 1746. Since that first year, this annual event has grown with over 300 tunes chosen by online readers in the U.S.A. and several foreign countries. There are six categories for the tunes:
Patriotic Music -- band music, patriotic songs
Folk Music -- traditional, contemporary singer-songwriter
Religious Music -- sacred, gospel
Popular Music -- blues, jazz, easy listening, Broadway stage, country, rock, and other music
Classical Music -- concert songs, short instrumental works
Film Music -- film score themes, movie songs
Those participating are asked to pick from one to ten favorite American tunes in any category. Brief comments about your favorite tunes are encouraged but not required.
All are welcome to participate in this free online event.
The details and sheet music samples are found at this link:
Send your list of favorite American tunes (up to 10 titles) to:
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