IAML has singed the open letter "Now Europe needs culture and culture needs Europe" initiated by REMA - Early Music Network, a member of EMC, addressed to the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU, the Heads of State, and Ministers of Culture of European countries. The letter expresses concern about the short and long-term effects that the Corona crisis has on music sector.
"The cultural sector, and in particular the live performance sector, is heavily hit by the crisis. The confinement measures taken by national governments have, within a few hours, put on hold their main purposes: bringing together groups of people that share the work of artists at the same time and in the same place.
Europe is our real working field. Artists have always been circulating, Europe has been shaped by exchanges between creators. Today the work of artists; the development of our ensembles; orchestras; companies; the productions and audiences of our festivals; concert halls and theatres; our operas; take place at European level."
The full text is available here.
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