The first congress diary sharing an aspect of the 2017 IAML Congress in Riga is by Lena Nettelbladt (Stockholms konstnärliga högskola/Stockholm University of the Arts):
On Tuesday 20 June four music librarians answered the listener’s questions about music libraries in Latvian Radio's Russian-speaking Channel 4. It was the journalist Tatjana Myslevich who had invited Marina Mihaileca from the National Library of Latvia, Alla Semenyuk from Russian State Library, Marina Demina and Besa Spahiu from The Music and Theatre Library in Sweden. The listeners were very active and showed a great interest in music library matters. They called directly to the studio or sent questions by email. The questions were about the future of music libraries, about digitization, about if the librarians liked their work and many other issues. The four librarians told the listener about the IAML congress in Riga and about the importance of music libraries and musical archives. The broadcast was livestreamed on Internet TV and was ongoing for one hour but according to the many questions the program could have gone on for at least three hours.
The TV-broadcast is not preserved but the radio broadcast can be heard here.
Photographer: Tatjana Myslevich
Great to read that the
Broadcasting librarians
IAML visibility