IAML News, Friday Edition (June 27, 2014)



Conference: Antwerp 2014

  • Everyone is invited to the General Assembly in Antwerp, Friday 18 July (14.00-15.30)
  • Everyone is also invited to the Council meeting in Antwerp Sunday 13 July (14.00-16.30) and Thursday 17 July (16.00-17.30)
  • All conference information is on the conference website, including an updated program with abstracts, registration and hotel information, city visits, and more!
  • If you’re on Twitter, we’re using #iaml2014 as the hashtag, and there is also a Facebook page.


From IAML’s Partner Organizations


Articles of interest


Electronic Resources


CFPs and Conferences

  • Towards a Network of the European Archives of Twentieth Century Music
    Musicians’ Correspondence and Interaction between Archives
    Venezia, 27-28 giugno 2014
    More information
  • Edirom Summer School 2014
    Registration open


Friday Fun

  • An opera about musicology!
    The Classical Style (music: Steven Stucky; words: Jeremy Denk) features the characters of Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Charles Rosen.
    Video (please start at 1:04:00)

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream




IAML Australia ACIM , Whittaker Library, IAML-L, AMS-L


Questions, comments? Do you have something you would like to see here? Contact jennifer.ward@rism.info.



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