IAML News -- New Publications -- Articles of interest -- Electronic Resources -- Friday Fun
Don’t forget to register for IAML Antwerp! The regular registration rate goes until May 11.
http://www.libraryconservatoryantwerp.be/iaml2014/registration.php -
New IAML Committee: Advocacy Committee
Consider joining the Advocacy Committee, IAML’s newest committee, to promote the profession and music around the world. -
Pia Shekhter, Secretary General of IAML, participated in the Annual Study Weekend with IAML (UK & Irl) in Cambridge. Her report and photos from the event are on the IAML website.
New Publications
Prace doktorskie
In 2013 Akademia Muzyczna im. Karola Lipińskiego in Wrocław launched the series Prace doktorskie, which will publish doctoral dissertations completed at the Akademia.
Please see: http://bibliolore.org/2014/04/29/prace-doktorskie/
Articles of interest
Libraries turn up the volume for NZ Music Month
France Culture: Sébastien Roux et Europeana Sounds
http://www.franceculture.fr/player/reecouter?play=4839224 -
E-Books stellen Bibliothekare vor rechtliche Probleme
http://www.badische-zeitung.de/computer-medien-1/warum-buechereien-keine-e-books-verleihen--83638710.html -
Bibliotheken: uitleen e-books kan makkelijker
http://www.telegraaf.nl/digitaal/22542345/__Bibliotheken__uitleen_e-books_kan_makkelijker__.html -
Presentations From the 11th Columbia Library Symposium Now Online
Columbia University: “Leaders Everywhere: Fostering Leadership Across the Academic Library Organization.”
http://www.infodocket.com/2014/04/29/video-presentations-from-the-11th-columbia-library-symposium-now-online/ -
12 Reasons Why Music Copyright Will Always Be Broken
http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/permalink/2014/04/08/copyrightbroken -
EBSCO Opens Metadata to Third-Party Discovery Services
Electronic Resources
Musical Instrument Museums Online
Welcome to the world's largest freely accessible database for information on musical instruments held in public collections. Our database now contains the records of 53023 instruments.
http://www.mimo-international.com/MIMO/ -
Montreux Jazz Digital Project
The Metamedia Center is developing and managing projects at EPFL to digitize, valorize and sustain over 5,000 hours of audio-visual recordings from the Montreux Jazz Festival archive, now inscribed in the 2013 UNESCO Memory of the World Register.
Friday Fun
Countdown to the IAML conference in Belgium:
An interactive exploration of the Ghent Altarpiece (please copy & paste the link)
http://closertovaneyck.kikirpa.be/#home/sub=altarpiece -
Notes on Music (1936), a short video about music engraving
International Jazz Day was April 30. The Global Concert can be viewed online:
Questions, comments? Do you have something you would like to see here? Contact jennifer.ward@rism.info.
via @Acim_asso @iasa_web @eblida @harvardmusiclib Bibliolore.org @IAMLAustralia
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