From IAML’s Partner Organizations
ICA December Newsletter (International Council on Archives)
From IAML’s National Branches
MLA Conference, February 25th - March 1st, in Denver, Colorado. Program and registration online
Social media: #musiclib2015 -
MLA Newsletter, November-December 2014 now online
UK & Ireland 2015 Annual Study Weekend: 10-12 April 2015 at Aston University, Birmingham
Draft programme available here. Registration also online.
Articles of Interest
January issue of CD HotList: New Releases for Libraries is online
Music induces universal emotion-related psychophysiological responses: comparing Canadian listeners to Congolese Pygmies
Hauke Egermann et al, Frontiers in Psychology
Ist Musik wirklich eine universelle Sprache der Gefühle? In einem bisher einmaligen Experiment wurde die Wirkung westlicher und Pygmäen-Musik analysiert -
Q2 Music's 2014 New-Music Countdown
NPR Classical and Q2 polled to find out the the greatest classical music of the last 100 years
And the winner is…
Women’s contributions to the making of Motown: The Duets
Larvester Gaither, Oxford University Press Blog
“On 12 January 1959, Berry Gordy, Jr. founded Tamla Records in Detroit, Michigan. A year later it would be incorporated with a new name that became synonymous with a sound, style, and generation of music: Motown.”
Could it be that some of Beethoven's rhythms reflect undiagnosed heart problems? Point and counterpoint.
Roger Dobson , The Independent
Beethoven's heart and Wagner's bowels, and why they don't matter
Tom Service, The Guardian
CFPs, Conferences, Fellowships
Audio-Visual Archives (18-19 July 2015) University of Leeds and the British Library
Calls for Proposals, MLA Technical Reports Series and MLA Index and Bibliography Series
Research fellowships to support use of the resources of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum’s Library and Archives
ISMIR 2015 - 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference
Friday Fun
Play the weekly Mittwochspuzzle (Wednesday Puzzle) from our colleagues at the Stadtbücherei Würzburg: New CDs!
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