New York congress: Hotel information posted on the IAML website
From IAML’s National Branches
A new issue of CAML Review (the official publication of the Canadian Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres) is now available for viewing or downloading via the journal site.
Articles of Interest
Debate at the Charleston Conference from November:
"Wherever possible, library collections should be shaped by patrons, instead of by librarians."
Are you for? Against?
Hear both sides:
http://sched.co/1txrXxm (full text)
http://youtu.be/6i20chKm74U (video) -
Cornell To Digitize A Rich Hip-Hop Archive
“Adler sent Cornell University 500 vinyl recordings, an impressive collection of books in several languages and roughly 100,000 newspaper and magazine articles about rap and hip-hop.” -
'Earliest' polyphonic music discovered in British Library
Nicolas Bell, British Library Music Blog
“Can this strange coded message really rewrite the history of choral music by shifting the earliest known harmony back by more than a century?” -
Henry VIII, the choir book and Alamire the spy
Beth Rose, BBC News
“A choral work given to King Henry VIII has gone in at number two in the classical album charts, surprising the musicians who performed it. The piece was created by a duplicitous scribe and double agent who duped the King of England.” -
Historical Schott Archive Acquired by State Libraries in Berlin and Munich and Six Research Institutions
Collection to be housed separately but brought together again digitaly -
Lute manuscripts uploaded to Cambridge Digital Library
BBC News
“A ‘remarkable’ collection of lute manuscripts dating back to the 16th Century has been put online by the University of Cambridge. The 650 pieces include handwritten scores by John Dowland, Francis Cutting and other early modern composers.” -
Rethinking the Library Proves a Devisive Topic at Many Liberal Arts Institutions
Inside Higher Ed
"The way we get information has changed, but our need for information and our need for guides to that information continues."
Newest in MLA Index and Bibliography Series:
Spirituals: A Multidisciplinary Bibliography for Research and Performance, by Kathleen A. Abromeit -
Music Around the World: A Global Encyclopedia
Music around the World: A Global Encyclopedia is a four-volume encyclopedia that examines music of the world from a geographic and cultural perspective.
Prospective contributors should send a brief C.V. and a list of research interests to the editors (Dr. Matthew Mihalka and Dr. Andrew Martin) atmusicaroundtheworld2015@gmail.com.
Full announcement posted on the IAML Facebook page (no Facebook account required to view).
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