The following entry is by Katie Lai (Hong Kong Baptist University Library)
今年是我第三次出席 IAML 的會議,感覺跟以往不同… 記得2009年第一次參加時, 認識的只有從前在 加拿大工作的幾位舊同事,心情純粹是來學習各圖書館的新發展。去年第二次參加, 除了發表文章外,還很難得的與幾位中港台三地的音樂同行相聚,可算是IAML的歷史時刻。
今年 2014年,發現自己在這幾年間 不知不覺地已因IAML結識了世界各地的朋友。雖然與各人傾談都只有十多分鐘,但一年一次的聚會卻令人額外珍惜。電郵及Skype的確把各人的距離都拉近了很多,但能與經常在互聯網上合作工作的友人 (特別是 Jantien Dubbeldam 及Gerry Ostrove) 親身見面擁抱始終不是科技能取代的。
今年我終於全程出席了理事會會議及最後的全體大會,當中雖有激烈的爭辯,但亦令我感受到大家對這個組織的熱愛及對未來的盼望。我亦覺得我不再只是一個與會者,而是IAML的一份子。我期待將來參與IAML的更多工作呢! 我想這是我工作上的一個轉捩點吧!
This was the third IAML conference that I have attended so far and the feeling this time was quite different I must say. While the “mission” of my first attendances in 2009 and 2013 were to do presentations and learn about the developments in other libraries, this year many faces all of a sudden became familiar ones and that unknowingly friendships were developed through these annual events. Having the opportunity to see and hug people with whom I have worked regularly on various IAML projects over the Internet (esp. Jantien Dubbeldam and Gerry Ostrove) was one highlight of the conference. This personal connection has hence made me feel that I am no longer a mere conference attendee who is there to simply absorb new knowledge, but a part of the IAML family who cares how the organization grows and how we help each other through our knowledge and experience. Thank you Jan and the organizing team for the wonderful conference!