The latest issue of Fontes artis musicae, volume 71, no. 4 (October-December 2024) has been published. It may be accessed via Project Muse for subscribers or via the IAML Web Site for members. The contents of the issue are as follows:
- A Fresh Perspective on the American Years of Niccoló Castiglioni: On the Discovery of Two Castiglioni Music Manuscripts at the University of British Columbia Kevin Madill
- Paganini Marchand Luthier Through Documentary Sources: New Research Maria Rosa Moretti
- A Window into the Musical Life in Nineteenth Century Stockholm: Ideas on the Application of Digital Visualisation Methodology Anne Reese Willén
Briefs / Feuilletons
- Magician of Sound: Ravel and the Aesthetics of Illusion. By Jessie Fillerup Keith E. Clifton
- Emil von Sauer: Liszt’s Forgotten Protégé. By Anita Crocus Alexandre Dossin
- Alexander Goehr: Composing a Life. By Jack Van Zandt and Alexander Goehr Nicholas Williams
- Beethoven desde España: Estudios interdisciplinares y recepción musical. Edited by Paulino Capdepón Verdú and Juan José Pastor Comín Sara Herrero Gozalo
Information for Contributors
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