Call for Papers: International Forum of ICTM-SEM-IMS-IAML-IASPM


International Forum of ICTM—SEM—IMS—IAML—IASPM

Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, 11-14 July 2018

Call for Papers for IAML Members

After a very successful joint meeting of three Societies – IMS, IAML, and ICTM – in Abu Dhabi in March 2017 on Music as Cultural Heritage, IAML is planning to take part in another event, the International Forum of ICTM—SEM—IMS—IAML—IASPM on “Approaches to Research on Music and Dance in the Internet Era” to be held in the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing (CCOM) on July 11-14, 2018. These joint meetings help to fulfil two of IAML’s stated aims: (1) to promote a better understanding of the cultural importance of music libraries, archives and documentation centres both nationally and internationally, and (2) to cooperate with other organizations in the fields of librarianship, bibliography, archival science, documentation, music and musicology.

Forum Abstract

The internet age has brought forward a series of new approaches to the research of music and dance, and new patterns of scholarship have been developed, both within different disciplines and across the globe. Scholars from five global research associations (ICTM(link is external), SEM(link is external), IMS(link is external), IAML, IASPM(link is external)) will meet to present and discuss the new methodologies now emerging, looking both for commonalities and distinctive new departures. Inter‐, multi‐, trans‐ and cross‐disciplinary approaches will be welcome, including those that reach out beyond the specifically academic domain toward new social and economic usages. We ask how these new possibilities provide a means to generate respect for and engagement within traditional, historical or popular forms of music and dance, as well as allowing our imagination to reach knowledgeably across conventional geographical, social and historical boundaries. The Forum will interleave discipline‐specific and interdisciplinary sessions.

Submission Guidelines

Each partner society and the host institution will gather a set of contributions, which will be organized into a programme by a joint programme committee, which includes representatives from each society as well as from the host institution. The following guidelines are specific to those seeking an invitation as part of the IAML block of participants. (Note that if you are a member of more than one of the scholarly associations listed above, you may be considered by each for inclusion in the programme as part of their block, but that no individual can finally deliver more than one paper at the Forum.)

Proposals, that address topics within IAML's field (music libraries, archives and documentation centres), are now welcome for individual papers (20 minutes duration, followed by 10 minutes for questions and discussion) and panels (60/90 minutes, followed by up to 30 minutes of discussion). Proposals should be submitted to the Secretary General Pia Shekhter at sends e-mail) by January 5, 2018.

Each proposal should contain:

  • (each) speaker’s name, title, affiliation (where applicable), and contact email;
  • an abstract summarising the paper or panel. Abstracts for individual papers should be 200–250 words in length; those for panels should be of 750–1,000 words;
  • use “Beijing Forum Proposal” as the subject line for your email;
  • the proposal can be submitted as an email attachment in doc, docx, or rtf format.

A maximum of 20 presenters will be selected for participation in the IAML block. Prospective participants should preferably be members of IAML, or, in the case of multi‐disciplinary proposals, of one of the other scholarly associations listed.


Local Arrangements

The forum, coordinated by Svanibor Pettan (ICTM) and Zhang Boyu (CCOM), will be hosted by the Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing. Partially subsidized hotel accommodation is available for those selected, and all meals will be provided on a complimentary basis. The registration fee for those selected will be paid by the Central Conservatory of Music. The Forum also includes a programme of concerts and associated events. Attendees will need to be able to pay their own travel costs.


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