FONTES REVIEWS EDITOR WANTS REVIEWS Leslie Troutman, Fontes Reviews Editor, would like to hear from those IAML members interested in writing book reviews for the journal. She currently has a number of recent titles awaiting review. If you would like information about this, please contact her at troutman@uiuc.edu. In your message include a sentence about your areas(s) of expertise and interest. She is particularly keen to hear from members outside North America and Great Britain (though members from those areas certainly will not be turned away!). On a related note: if you are aware of a recent publication in your country that should be known by the membership and therefore wold be a good candidate for a Fontes review, please contact Leslie. Leslie Troutman email: troutman@uiuc.edu VIEWS OF EDINBURGH - TAKE A PREVIEW OF 2000 This is to whet your appetites! Pat Napier has been roaming
around a very new website showing amazing pictures of Edinburgh's
city centre. It's still under construction, but, for the very
first time that she knows of, a viewer can really move around a
city and **recognise** where they'ss be - before they get there.
Try moving round the map, looking at what you can home in on by
checking out the top lefthand entries and then do 60 degree
panoramics before moving on, when you see the fist in the image. http://www.thegen.com/ MORE REPORTS FROM WELLINGTON ARCHIVES AND MUSIC
DOCUMENTATION CENTRES BRANCH ELECTRONIC ARCHIVING The IAML Archivist, Inger Enquist, has prepared some recommendations for archiving IAML electronic documents, and for their subsequent handling. Please read them, and follow her advice. For the bebefit of those who unfortunately cannot access our Electronic Newsletter, don't worry, we'll make sure that these recommendations will be well publicised, and will appear elsewhere, such as in Fontes, so that all IAML members will have the opportunity to read them.
1. The Center for Music Research and Documentatation here at the CUNY Grad.Center (RILM is part of this Center) has been renamed. It is now the Barry S. Brook Center for Music Research and Documentation. And, as of 1 July 1999, Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie appointed its new director. 2. The Research Center for Music Iconography (RCMI), which Zdravko Blazekovi? is the director of (it, too, is part of the Brook Center) has just published the first issue of its new journal, Music in Art. This journal is an upgraded continuation of Zdravko's RIdIM newsletter. It's a REAL journal (not just a dressed up newsletter), and it is impressive. 3. The newly-established Center for the Study of Free-Reed Instruments, which Allan Atlas is the director of (it, too, is part of the Brook Center) has just published the first issue of its new journal (it is due from the printer next week), called the Free-Reed Journal. Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie CALL FOR PAPERS Our next conference is coming up in Edinburgh, in August 2000.
Is there something you know about that would make an interesting
presentation to the Association? Consider sending the
suggestion in to the Chair of the appropriate Branch or
Commission, or, if you don't know who that might me, contact
Alison Hall, the Secretary General. IAML CALL FOR NOMINATIONS À tous les membres de l'AIBM / An sämtliche IVMB-Mitglieder / To all IAML members Candidats pour les éléctions de président et des vice-presidents pour 2001 Permettez-moi de vous rappeler que chaque membre de l'AIBM a le droit de proposer des candidats pour les charges de président et des vice-présidents. Les statuts indiquent que "le président est rééligible seulement dans des cas exceptionnels; les vice-prési-dents ne peuvent être immédiatement réélus plus d'une fois". Toutes les propositions doivent être présentées à la première séance du Conseil pendant le congrès à Edimbourg (aout 2000) Voilà pourquoi je désire recevoir avant le 5ième avril vos suggestions, avec un bref argument et un document où le candidat certifie lui-même son acception. Kandidaten für die Wahlen zum Präsidenten und Vize-Präsidenten im Jahre 2001 Lassen Sie mich bitte daran erinnern, daß jedes IVMB-Mitglied das Recht hat, Kandidaten für die Posten des Präsidenten und je vier Vize-Präsidenten vorzuschlagen. In den Statuten ist festgelegt, daß "eine unmittelbare Wiederwahl des Präsidenten nur in Aus-nahmefällen erfolgt. Vize-Präsidenten können nicht länger als zwei Wahlperioden unmittelbar hintereinander amtieren". Sämtliche Vorschläge für Kandidaten müssen bei der ersten Sitzung des Direktoriums in Edinburg (August 2000) vorgelegt werden. Die Vorschläge müssen also spätestens am 5. April 2000 bei mir eingegangen sein. Bitte geben Sie auch eine kurze Begründung Ihrer Vorschläge, zusammen mit einer zustim-menden Bestätigung seitens der Kandidaten. Candidates for the 2001 presidential and vice-presidential elections Please let me remind you that every member of IAML has the right to propose candi-dates for the office of the President and the four Vice-Presidents. According to the Con-stitution "the President may only be reelected immediately in exceptional cases. Vice--presidents may not be reelected more than once". All proposals should be presented at the first Council session of the meeting in Edinburgh (August 2000). I would therefore appreciate receiving your suggestions, together with brief reasons for them and a statement of acceptance by the candidates, no later than 5 April 2000. Alison Hall, IAML Secretary General POSSIBLE COMING THE IN THE NEXT ISSUE....... The IML meeting in Petra, Jordan Plus anything YOU think of that would make an interesting Newsletter item! This is the second trail issue of the IAML Electronic Newsletter. Please send comments to the IAML Secretary General, alison_hall@carleton.ca or to any Board member. ![]()