Recommendations to IAML officers and others producing electronic records and documents that shall go into the IAML archive. 

1. It is essential to send in records that can be read by the repository.

2. The repository only accepts so called flat files, so please transfer your documents that way before delivering them (ASCII).

3. Deliver your electronic records together with information about systems used and the content of each carrier.

4. Electronic records are stored on media that are not very stable. Therefore please do not wait too long, but deliver your records at least every five years to the repository, The Music Library of Sweden in Stockholm.

5. You may deliver them via the Internet <>, if they are of a kind suitable for that, or well packed via regular mail to The Music Library of Sweden, Box 16326, 103 26 Stockholm.

6. Electronic records are difficult to appraise once they have arrived at the repository. You are kindly asked to do this before the transfer.

7. Do not delete too much.

8. A record is recorded information produced or received in the initiation, conduct or completion of an institutional or individual activity and that comprises content, context and structure sufficient to provide evidence of the activity regardsless of the form of medium. The distinctive feature of electronic records is that the content is recorded on a medium and in symbols (binary digits) that needs a computer or similar technology to read and understand. (ICA Studies 10, 1997.)

9. Keep your IAML documents separate.

10. Arrange your e-mail so that your IAML correspondence goes into a special mailbox to avoid that it gets mixed with correpondence of other provenance.

11. Arrange a special IAML directory for your wordprocessing documents.


The inventory to the IAML archive is found via the IAML homepage

We can supply electronic documents from the archive via e-mail or if necessary as print-outs or on a disk.

Inger Enquist

IAML archivist