The mission of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) is to broaden access to music resources through international collaboration and advocacy, to support research, learning, performance and enjoyment. Our members open up the vast world of information and repertoire in their daily interactions with students, educators, researchers, musicians, and the general public. We work to promote and preserve musical heritage among diverse cultures as we recognise the importance of music in the lives of the world’s people.

IAML E-Library

IAML E-Library Teaser ImageThe IAML E-Library contains digital and digitized content produced by the IAML National Branches. Be sure yours is included!

Learning despite unique situations (Carolyn Dow, United States)

IAML Online Meeting Diary #1: Carolyn Dow, Lincoln City Libraries (retired): While IAML’s 2020 virtual conference was not the Congress in Prague we had been anticipating, it was a wonderful week of interacting with and learning from our colleagues all around the world. Sessions throughout the week were offered at different times, allowing participants in different time zones some convenient sessions. Overall, the focus of the week was on our libraries’ (and institution’s) responses to Covid-19. What I took from the week was that we can learn from each other’s responses, no matter the library sector, or the location, or the extent of the pandemic, even though we are all in unique situations.

Late Fontes copies and electronic availability

Please be aware that the production of Fontes Artis Musicae's paper version is delayed due to the Coronavirus crisis. Printers and mailers in the US have suspended their operations. Our publisher, A-R Editions, will have Fontes paper copies printed and mailed as soon as possible. But at this time, there is no way of telling when operations will resume and especially international mailing can be guaranteed.

Register for IAML Online 2020: Virtual Meetings and Discussions, 20-24 July

The IAML Board invites participation in a series of online meetings in the week of 20 July. Timed to coincide with the dates of the postponed IAML Congress in Prague, these sessions will provide an opportunity for colleagues to connect, report on current activities and projects, and discuss issues of professional concern.  The meetings will take place using the Zoom platform and will be scheduled to last up to 90 minutes each. The deadline for registration is Friday 17 July.


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