Norway / Norge

Musical Advent Calendar

The Norwegian Institute of Recorded Sound (NIRS) follows up on the great feedback we got over the last few years for our musical Advent Calendar with more old, old… ooold recordings! After all, it has now become a tradition!

IAML Vienna Conference Diary / Konferenztagebuch #6: Norwegian / Norsk (Norway / Norge)

Frida Røsand's diary entry comes from the far north, from Norway: Det foredraget som jeg på forhånd var mest spent på, var «Orchestral sheet music replaced by tablet computers. New trends in software development». Foredragsholdere var Jonas Coomans og Bob Hamblok fra neoScores i Brussel.

"Music + Practice" - New journal for practice studies in music

Posted on behalf of Tone Elofsson, Chief Librarian at the Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo

"Despite the growing interest in musical practices and artistic knowledge, we lack arenas
for the discussion of practices in their own right. This is why we now launch

Musical Advent Calendar - Norwegian Institute of Recorded Sound

A bit late, but there's still a week left!

The Norwegian Institute of Recorded Sound (NIRS) follows up on the great feedback we got over the last few years for our musical Advent Calendar with more old, old… ooold recordings! After all, it has now become a tradition!


RSS - Norway / Norge abonnieren