IAML Board

IAML Statement on the US President's Executive Order of 27 January 2017

The International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres (IAML), established in 1951, condemns national and international policies that work against its purposes as stated in its constitution, and particularly its primary goals to encourage and promote the activities of libraries, archives and documentation centres concerned with music and music materials; to strengthen cooperation among institutions and individuals working in these fields and to publish information concerning their work; and to promote a better understanding of the cultural importance of music libraries, archives and documentation centres both nationally and internationally.  Any hindrance to the free and full exchange of information and the opportunity to engage fully in professional activities and training pertaining to music libraries, archives, and documentation centres across all countries in the world are antithetical to these goals.

News from the IAML President

Dear colleagues,

The last time I sent an update regarding IAML activities, there was snow on the ground here in New York City. Today I'm delighted to report the appearance of little green shoots with buds in Central Park. Spring is finally here.

Again there is a lot of important news about which to update you.

The mid-year Board meeting 7-8 March in Brussels

Dear Colleagues,

The mid-year Board meeting will take Place 7-8 March in Brussels. One of the most important items on the agenda is the proposal for a revised Constitution and Rules of Procedure. The "Constitution Reform Committee" has been working very conscientiously and has delivered two solid documents to me within the stipulated time. After the Board has had its saying the documents will be published on the IAML website and announced on IAML-L, with an explanatory document summarizing the proposed changes (before 18 April according to the Constitution)...

Best wishes to all colleagues for a very happy holiday season, and a wonderful New Year from the IAML President!

[Previously posted on IAML-L]

Dear All,

Greetings from New York, where we had snow earlier in the week and tomorrow it is predicted to be close to 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15.5 degrees Celsius). Fickle weather!

I am writing with a brief update on IAML activities. Much has been going on since my last update in late September, and here are a few highlights:


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