IAML Update: Pan-American Regional IAML Conference in Orlando

The idea for the conference was to bring together music librarians, archivists, and documentation specialists from all of the Americas, with an emphasis on the inclusion of Latin American colleagues. MLA, in part with outreach funds left over from the joint IAML-IMS congress in New York in 2015, was able to invite and support colleagues from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Mexico, Uruguay, and Venezuela. In recognition of the importance of this meeting to IAML, the IAML Board decided to hold its mid-year meeting during the two days leading up to the conference. This enabled all of us on the Board to participate in the event and to reach out to these colleagues from Latin America. And it was successful. All Board members actively participated in the event and got to know many new colleagues from Latin America, and we were able to let them know about IAML and to welcome and encourage their participation in our association.

Pan-American Regional IAML Meeting in Orlando Florida 22-26 February

Dear colleagues,

One week has passed since the first Pan-American Regional IAML Meeting took place in sunny Orlando, Florida (22-26 February). It is difficult to imagine when I am back in Gothenburg with wet snow falling from a grey sky accompanied by strong winds from the sea…


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