
MGG online!

Foremost international music encyclopedia to be published online

MGG Online: The music encyclopedia Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (MGG) goes digital.

In 2014 the publishers Bärenreiter and J.B. Metzler entered a long-term partnership with Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM), publisher of the world’s most comprehensive bibliographic database of writings about music. MGG Online will include the content of the second edition of MGG (1994–2008) as well as subsequent updates, revisions, and additions.

Hello from the New Web Editor

Liebe IAML-Mitglieder, Dear IAML members

Ich möchte mich Ihnen als frisch gebackene IAML-Webredakteurin vorstellen. Aus Wien erhielt ich die Nachricht, dass meine Bewerbung angenommen wurde, und ich möchte mich auf diesem Wege für Ihr Vertrauen bedanken. Ich konnte leider in Wien nicht vorbeischauen, freue mich aber auf die Beiträge im Konferenztagebuch.

Updated version of the document with responses on IAML-L on the "Restructuring Report"

Here is an updated version of the document with responses on IAML-L on the "Restructuring Report". A printed copy will be available by the Conference Office desk together with the Report itself. I am looking forward to our discussions!

Responses to the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Restructuring of IAML

Dear IAML members,

I am sending you a reminder of the important discussion about the Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Restructuring of IAML, which will take place during the Council meeting on Sunday and Thursday + the "Roundtable discussion between National Representatives and the Board".

I have compiled all responses to the Report on IAML-L in a PDF to facilitate preparatory reading - please, see below.


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