Recent Publications in Music

7138 Ergebnisse gefunden
Autor Titel Typ [ Jahr(Asc)]
Brandtner A, Loose-Einfalt K, Schmidl S.  2024.  "... eine Quelle von vielen Vergnügungen" : Schubert am Land : der Komponist und Atzenbrugg /. :159pages:.
Carlefred L, Gathu A, Ristenstrand A, Izzat N, Lindström M, Ilshammar L, Erlandsson M, Skog S.  2024.  Elektronmusikstudion : konst, teknik {&} politik ....
Bernstein PM.  2024.  Elmer Bernstein, film composer : an authorized biography /. :xi,251pages,15pagesofplates:.
Lolavar S.  2024.  Embodied research through music composition and evocative life-writing : disrupting diaspora /. :xii,132pages:.
Hagald S.  2024.  En handbok om musikbranschen : aktörerna, avtalen och sedvänjan.
Johansson O.  2024.  En skivsamlares betraktelser.
Johnston A.  2024.  English and German diction for singers : a comparative approach /. :xxiv,341pages:.
Lissy R.  2024.  "Es liegt ein eigener Zauber in diesem Wunderkinde!" : Constanze Geiger - Komponistin, Pianistin, Schauspielerin aus Wien /. :xvi,405pages:.
Ray MBeth.  2024.  Essays on music, adolescence, and identity : the Adolescentia Project /. :1onlineresource(xvii,228pages):.
Amico S.  2024.  Ethnomusicology, queerness, masculinity : silence=death /. :x,240pages;.
Montgomery C, Henderson A.  2024.  Exploring English lyrics : selection and pronunciation of English art song repertoire /. :xvii,288pages;.
Koops L.  2024.  A family guide to parenting musically . :xxiii,267pages:.
Blaszkiewicz J.  2024.  Fanfare for a city : music and the urban imagination in Haussmann's Paris /. :xi,250pages:.
Tonn M.  2024.  Fender : electric guitars & basses 2002-2006 /. :156pages:.
Wolfson E.  2024.  Fifty years of the concept album in popular music : from the Beatles to Beyoncé /. :viii,252pages;.
Staneviciute R..  2024.  Figures of modernity : International Society for Contemporary Music and the modern music movement in Lithuania /. :310pages:.
Lehman F.  2024.  Film music analysis : studying the score /. :xiv,286pages:.
Ljungar-Chapelon A.  2024.  The flautists vademecum : a collection of flute music, texts about flute playing and technical exercises from the 18th century Harmoniques for the traverso and boehm-flute ....
Farina W.  2024.  Florence Price : the life, compositions and influence of a Black American composer /. :viii,261pages:.
Williams G.  2024.  Format friction : perspectives on the shellac disc /. :203pages:.
Janeček K, Hall ACarothers, Skarecky J.  2024.  Foundations of modern harmony . :507pages:.
Schmidt CB.  2024.  Francis Poulenc's Dialogues of the Carmelites : the documented history of a twentieth-century opera /. :xxiv,288pages:.
Nylin L.  2024.  Fred Åkerström : biografin.
Dodds MRobert.  2024.  From modes to keys in early modern music theory . :xxx,477pages:.
Nemtsov J, Bottenberg W, Bopp V, Kahn E.  2024.  From St. Petersburg to Vienna : the New Jewish School in Music (1908-1938) as part of the Jewish Cultural Renaissance /. Band 17:xviii,475pages:.
