Recent Publications in Music

7006 Ergebnisse gefunden
Autor Titel Typ [ Jahr(Asc)]
Ray MBeth.  2024.  Essays on music, adolescence, and identity : the Adolescentia Project /. :1onlineresource(xvii,228pages):.
Amico S.  2024.  Ethnomusicology, queerness, masculinity : silence=death /. :x,240pages;.
Montgomery C, Henderson A.  2024.  Exploring English lyrics : selection and pronunciation of English art song repertoire /. :xvii,288pages;.
Koops L.  2024.  A family guide to parenting musically . :xxiii,267pages:.
Tonn M.  2024.  Fender : electric guitars & basses 2002-2006 /. :156pages:.
Wolfson E.  2024.  Fifty years of the concept album in popular music : from the Beatles to Beyoncé /. :viii,252pages;.
Staneviciute R..  2024.  Figures of modernity : International Society for Contemporary Music and the modern music movement in Lithuania /. :310pages:.
Lehman F.  2024.  Film music analysis : studying the score /. :xiv,286pages:.
Ljungar-Chapelon A.  2024.  The flautists vademecum : a collection of flute music, texts about flute playing and technical exercises from the 18th century Harmoniques for the traverso and boehm-flute ....
Farina W.  2024.  Florence Price : the life, compositions and influence of a Black American composer /. :viii,261pages:.
Williams G.  2024.  Format friction : perspectives on the shellac disc /. :203pages:.
Janeček K, Hall ACarothers, Skarecky J.  2024.  Foundations of modern harmony . :507pages:.
Schmidt CB.  2024.  Francis Poulenc's Dialogues of the Carmelites : the documented history of a twentieth-century opera /. :xxiv,288pages:.
Nylin L.  2024.  Fred Åkerström : biografin.
Nemtsov J, Bottenberg W, Bopp V, Kahn E.  2024.  From St. Petersburg to Vienna : the New Jewish School in Music (1908-1938) as part of the Jewish Cultural Renaissance /. Band 17:xviii,475pages:.
Reynolds S.  2024.  Futuromania : electronic dreams, desiring machines, and tomorrow's music today /. :viii,408pages;.
Matiasovits S..  2024.  Geschichte eines gescheiterten Experiments : Wiener Fachhochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst (1924-1931) /. 21:119pages:.
Davies J..  2024.  The Gothic imagination in the music of Franz Schubert. . :196p..
Froneman W.  2024.  The groovology of white affect : boeremusiek and the enregisterment of race in South Africa /. :xv,231pages:.
Dosman NAlberto.  2024.  Growing your choral program : a practical guide for new directors /. :viii,147pages:.
De Bruin LR, Southcott J.  2024.  Guerrilla music : musicking as resistance, defiance, and subversion /. :vi,252pages:.
Heinö AJohansson, Ingerö J, Johansson LAnders, Persson L, Wagenius H, Johansson J, Rehbinder C, Madon S, Uvell M, Nilsson P.M.  2024.  Hårdrock, frihet, uppror.
Lawlor H, Joyce S.  2024.  Harp studies. . :358pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Kane B.  2024.  Hearing double : jazz, ontology, auditory culture /. :x,303pages:.
Shadrack JHazel, Kahn-Harris K.  2024.  Heavy Metal and Disability : Crips, Crowds, and Cacophonies /. :1onlineresource.
