Recent Publications in Music
Women in convent spaces and the music networks of early modern Barcelona . :xix,296pages:.
2023. .
2023. .
2023. Youtube and music : online culture and everyday life /. :xxvii,294pages:.
2023. .
2023. .
2023. A zene eszméjének kibontakozása . Pars pro toto . :146.
2023. Zenei élet Kiskőrösön . :288.
2023. Zeneközelben 9. : beszélgetések egy rádióműsor jeles vendégeivel . Álarcok. :259.
2023. Život i djelo Elly Bašić. :386.
2023. 1999 : the year the record industry lost control /. :xiii,557pages;.
2024. Adolf Busch : the life of an honest musician /. :2volumes(1,434pages):.
2024. The American musical : evolution of an art form /. :xii,415pages:.
2024. Applying translation theory to musicological research . volume 27:xxxii,153pages:.
2024. The art and business of songwriting . :xiv,228pages:.
2024. .
2024. Background music cultures in Finnish urban life . :76pages:.
2024. Bangtan remixed : a critical BTS reader /. :1onlineresource(xv,416pages):.
2024. Berklee contemporary music theory . :viii,159pages:.
2024. On Bette Midler : an opinionated guide /. :xxvii,201pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2024. .
2024. .
2024. Britten experienced : modernism, musicology and sentiment /. :ix,115pages:.
2024. The Cambridge companion to composition . :xxiv,334pages:.
2024. The Cambridge companion to women composers . :xxv,348pages:.