Recent Publications in Music

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Backenroth J.  2023.  Min resa i jazzens tecken : från Värmland och Skaraborg ut i världen.
László M.  2023.  Mindörökké Omega . :299.
Dylan B, Mari F.  2023.  A modern dal filozófiája. :351.
Röshammar M, Sandh H\aakan.  2023.  Möjligheternas oas : från kommunal musikskola till kulturskola.
Stepniak M.  2023.  A more promising musical future : leading transformational change in music higher education /. :1onlineresource(xi,108pages):.
Miller M, Hansen JRaab.  2023.  Music and exile : from 1933 to the present day /. volume 22:xiii,310pages:.
Küssner MB, Taruffi L, Floridou GA.  2023.  Music and mental imagery . :1onlineresource..
Morris J.  2023.  Music and politics in thirties Britain : raise the standard high /. :x,254pages;.
Kim H-A.  2023.  Music and religious education in early modern Europe : the musical edification of the church /. :xii,259pages:.
Cosgrove CH.  2023.  Music at social meals in Greek and Roman antiquity : from the archaic period to the age of Augustine /. :1onlineresource(xv,442pages):.
Baumgartner M, Boczkowska E.  2023.  Music, authorship, narration, and art cinema in Europe : 1940s to 1980s /. :1onlineresource(xi,237pages):.
Miksza P, Shaw JT, Richerme LKapalka, Hash PM, Hodges DA, Parker ECassidy.  2023.  Music education research : an introduction /. :xi,469pages:.
Burlingame J.  2023.  Music for prime time : a history of American television themes and scoring /. :viii,467pages:.
Warwick JC.  2023.  Music, gender, and sexuality studies : a teacher's guide /. :1onlineresource(x,127pages).
Kapuria R.  2023.  Music in Colonial Punjab : Courtesans, Bards, and Connoisseurs, 1800-1947 /. :1onlineresource..
Peters E.  2023.  Music in crime, resistance, and identity . :1onlineresource(vi,128pages)..
[Gast].  2023.  Music in nineteenth-century Britain . :4volumes:.
Golding R.  2023.  Music in nineteenth-century Britain . :4volumes:.
Getman J, Okazaki BMcCorkle, Ware E.  2023.  Music in Star Trek : sound, utopia, and the future /. :1onlineresource(xxi,309pages):.
Kotarba JA.  2023.  Music in the course of life . :1onlineresource(xii,148pages):.
Dixon T, Gouk P, Dixon C, Robichaud PSarrasin.  2023.  Music, nature and divine knowledge in England, 1650-1750 : between the rational and the mystical /. [11]:xv,341pages:.
Haas M.  2023.  Music of exile : the untold story of the composers who fled Hitler /. :xvi,400pages:.
Morgan H.  2023.  Music, politics and society in ancient Rome . :1onlineresource(xiii,284pages):.
Anthony B.  2023.  Music production cultures : perspectives on popular music pedagogy in higher education /. :xxii298pages:.
Lehmberg LJ, C. Fung V.  2023.  Music, senior centers, and quality of life . :x,208pages:.
