Recent Publications in Music

416 Ergebnisse gefunden
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Zsolt G.  2023.  Látható hangzás : vizuális zene a magyar kortárs művészetben . :224.
Budds MJ, Mabary J.  2023.  Legacies of power in American music : essays in honor of Michael J. Budds /. :xviii,372pages:.
Ádám T, Jozé BLászló.  2023.  Lemezleltár Török Ádámmal . :190.
MacFarlane T.  2023.  Lennon & McCartney : painting with sound /. :1onlineresource.
Griffiths G.  2023.  Leokadiya Kashperova : biography, 'memoirs' and 'recollections of Anton Rubinstein' /. :72pages:.
Griffiths G, Kashperova LIŁAleksandro, Kashperova LIŁAleksandro.  2023.  Leokadiya Kashperova : biography, 'Memoirs' and 'Recollections of Anton Rubinstein' /. :1onlineresource(71pages).
Janovitz B.  2023.  Leon Russell : the master of space and time's journey through rock & roll history /. :x,582pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
De Lacey A.  2023.  Level up : live performance and creative process in grime music /. :1onlineresource..
, Márton K, Heidy Z.  2023.  Ligeti-labirintus : barangolás Ligeti György életművében. :150.
Pedersen AHelles.  2023.  Listening from within a digital music archive : metadata, sensibilities, and music histories in the Danish Broadcasting Corporation's music archive ....
Smith KM, Overy S.  2023.  Listening to the unconscious : adventures in popular music and psychoanalysis /. :1onlineresource.
Womack K.  2023.  Long and winding roads : the evolving artistry of the Beatles /. :1onlineresource(xii,356pages):.
Kruth J.  2023.  Lunacy : the curious phenomenon of Pink Floyd's Dark side of the moon, 50 years on /. :255pages:.
