Recent Publications in Music
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Guitar chords made easy . :255pages:.
2013. .
2013. Guitarist guide to effects pedals. . :130p.:.
2013. Gustav Mahler . :144p.:.
2013. .
Global tribe : technology, spirituality and psytrance /. :x,392pages:.
2012. The grind. . :v.:.
2012. .
2012. GarageBand : the ultimate guide /. :114p.:.
2011. Garsington opera : a celebration /. :128p.:.
2011. Gàidhlig. . :31,51,[2]foldedp.ofplates:.
2011. .
2011. Generalized musical intervals and transformations . :xxxi,258p.:.
2011. .
2011. .
2011. Giovanni Gabrieli and his contemporaries : music, sources and collections /. 965:1v.(variouspagings):.
2011. .
2011. Godspeed : the Kurt Cobain graphic /. :1v.(unpaged):.
2011. Gram Parsons : God's own singer /. :ix,352p.,[8]p.ofplates:.
2011. .
2011. .
2011. Green Day revealed . :191p.:.
2011. Green rain: Irish composers on stage. :190pages.
2011. .