Recent Publications in Music
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Go slow : the life of Julie London /. :xix,296pages,24unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2017. Gone : a girl, a violin, a life unstrung /. :227pages;.
2017. Good-bye Maoriland : the songs and sounds of New Zealand's Great War. :ix,294pages;illustrations.
2017. Gottfried von Einem : Komponist der Stunde null /. :253pages,3unnumberedpages,xxxiipagesofplates:.
2017. The great entertainers . :ix,191pages:.
2017. .
2017. .
Get the callback : the art of auditioning for musical theatre /. :1onlineresource..
2016. Gilbert and Sullivan's 'respectable capers' : class, respectability and the Savoy Operas 1877-1909 /. :xviii,249pages:.
2016. Giōrgos Sisilianos (1920-2005) : epeteiako aphierōma.. :127Seiten,3Blätter:.
2016. .
2016. Glazbene migracije u rano moderno doba : ljudi, tržišta, obrasci, stilovi. Music Migrations in the Early Modern Age: People, Markets, Patterns and Styles (Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 13-14 October 2014).
2016. Glazbene šetnje Zagrebom. :259.
2016. Goneville : a memoir. :293.
2016. .
2016. Grandma and her violin. :72unnumberedpages:illustrations;20cm..
2016. Grant & I : inside and outside the Go-Betweens /. :339pages;24cm..
2016. A gregorián ének kézikönyve . :525p..
2016. Grumpy old man : opinionated articles about the folk music scene from Trad & Now magazine 2010-2016 /. :278pages;.
2016. Grunge Seattle . :1onlineresource.
2016. Gáty Zoltán : 1856. március 5. - 1928. július 17. : Pápa város zeneszerzője. Jókai füzetek / Jókai Mór Városi Könyvtár. :143p..
2015. Getting the most out of Makerspaces to make musical instruments. :64pages:colorillustrations;24cm..
2015. .
2015. .
2015. .