Recent Publications in Music
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Glam! : when superstars rocked the world, 1970-74 /. :303pages:.
2022. Glazba i iskustvo povijesti = Music and Historical Experience : svečani zbornik za Sanju Majer-Bobetko. Muzikološki zbornici = Musicological proceedings . :598.
2022. .
2022. .
2022. Going up the country : adventures in blues fieldwork in the 1960s /. :1onlineresource(xxv,299pages):.
2022. Gramofon 25 - Zenetudományi és zenekritikai antológia . Gramofon könyvek. :350.
2022. Great God a'mighty! : the Dixie Hummingbirds : celebrating the rise of soul gospel music /. :1onlineresource(viii,395pages):.
2022. Gregorio Ballabene's forty-eight-part mass for twelve choirs (1772) . no. 38:viii,120pages:.
2022. Guthové : varhanáři z Čisté /. :379stran:.
2022. Gender, sex and sexuality in musical theatre : he/she/they could have danced all night /. :xxvii,323pages:.
2023. George Herbert and early modern musical culture . :xvi,266pages:.
2023. Geschichte der Programmmusik : eine Einführung /. :371pages:.
2023. .
2023. The golden shore . :xxvii,502pages:.
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2023. The great American songbook : 201 favorites you ought to know (& love) /. :xxiii,254pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2023. Guarini's "Il pastor fido" and the madrigal : voicing the pastoral in late Renaissance Italy /. :x,448pages:.
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2024. .