Recent Publications in Music
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Gustav Mahler : the arduous road to Vienna (1860-1897) /. volume XXXVI:xvii,809pages:.
2020. Gustav Mahler, un génie universel . :232pages;.
2020. .
2020. .
2020. .
2020. .
2020. Gasolin' : Gudernes vilje. :447sider:.
2021. Genealogies of music and memory : Gluck in the nineteenth-century Parisian imagination /. :1onlineresource(viii,210pages):.
2021. Generation Spice Girls . :351sider:.
2021. Gerald Finzi's letters, 1915-1956 . :xxvi,1052pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2021. Giacomo Puccini : a discography.. :1onlineresource(iv,230pages).
2021. Gilbert Kalish, American pianist . no. 9:xvi,259pages:.
2021. Glazba, umjetnosti i politika : revolucije i restauracije u Europi i Hrvatskoj 1815.-1860. = Music, Arts and Politics: Revolutions and Restorations in Europe and Croatia, 1815-1860. Muzikološki zbornici = Musicological proceedings. 23
2021. Globalization, nationalism, and music education in the twenty-first century in Greater China . :1onlineresource(341pages):.
2021. The glory road : a gospel gypsy life /. :1onlineresource.
2021. Gold, festivals, and music in southeast Brazil : sounding Portugueseness /. :1onlineresource..
2021. Great oboists on music and musicianship . :1onlineresource(x,285pages).
2021. Guitar . :1onlineresource..
2021. The guitar : tracing the grain back to the tree /. :1onlineresource(284pages):.
2021. The guitar : tracing the grain back to the tree /. :1onlineresource(284pages):.
2021. Gullah spirituals : the sound of freedom and protest in the South Carolina sea islands /. :1onlineresource(vi,238pages).
2021. General music : dimensions of practice /. :xii,357pages:.
2022. The genesis and structure of the Hungarian jazz diaspora . :viii,186pages:.
2022. George Michael : a life /. :x,502pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2022. .