Recent Publications in Music

455 Ergebnisse gefunden
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Gregory G.  2019.  Boy bands and the performance of pop masculinity. :1onlineresource.
Gregory G.  2019.  Boy bands and the performance of pop masculinity . :1volume:.
Loges N., Hamilton K.  2019.  Brahms in context . :xxvii,407pages:.
Loges N, Hamilton K.  2019.  Brahms in context . :1onlineresource:.
Lysaker JT.  2019.  Brian Eno's Ambient 1: Music for airports . :xiv,165pages;.
Heatley M.  2019.  A brief history of rock . :352pages:.
Wagstaff J.  2019.  The British Union catalogue of music periodicals . :1volume;.
Portelli A.  2019.  Bruce Springsteen's America : a dream deferred /. :1onlineresource(195pages)..
Coulter P.  2019.  Bruised, never broken. :282pages,16pagesofplates.
Croft M.  2019.  BTS : the ultimate fan book /. :1volume:.
Leigh S.  2019.  Buddy Holly : Learning the Game /. :xvi,251pages:.
