Recent Publications in Music
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Straight into darkness : Tom Petty as rock mystic /. :169pages:.
2022. Thomas Adès studies . :1onlineresource..
2022. .
2022. .
Briefwechsel 1876-1890 : in drei Bänden /. :volumes;.
2021. Briefwechsel 1876-1890 : in drei Bänden /. :volumes;.
2021. Briefwechsel 1876-1890 : in drei Bänden /. :volumes;.
2021. Chapel of love : the story of New Orleans girl group the Dixie Cups /. :1onlineresource..
2021. Créations musicales : une approche philosophique /. :270pages:.
2021. .
2021. .
2021. Dissonances of modernity : music, text, and performance in modern Spain /. number 318:1onlineresource:.
2021. The East, the West, and the In-Between in music : proceedings of the international conference, Munich, 9-10 November 2018 /. Sonderband 2:236pages:.
2021. Entre lo italiano y lo español : músicas, influencias mutuas y espacios compartidos (siglos XVI-XX) /. :544pages:.
2021. .
2021. Lajtha László írásai 1. . :439.
2021. Lajtha László írásai 1. . :439.
2021. Lajtha László írásai 2.. :443-792.
2021. Lajtha László írásai 2.. :443-792.
2021. "Mit dir keine Oper zu lang..." : Briefwechsel /. :463pages,128unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2021. Mozarts dagbog . :73sider:.
2021. .
2021. Seachanges : music in the Mediterranean and Atlantic worlds, 1550-1800 /. vol. 2:319pages:.
2021. The show must go on : what the performing arts were doing when they weren't doing what we know they do /. :136pages:.
2021. Sonic possible worlds : hearing the continuum of sound /. :1onlineresource(x,254pages).