Recent Publications in Music

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Van Straten F.  2020.  Hanky-panky : the theatrical escapades of Ernest C. Rolls /. :160pages:.
Doky NLan, Vesterberg H.  2020.  Improvisation : i musikken, på arbejdet og i livet. :158sider.
Anna D, Viktória O.  2020.  Járdányi Pál és kora : tanulmányok a 20. századi magyar zene történetéből (1920-1966) . Musica scientia. :432.
Picard T., Candoni J-F., Bécue A., Coste C, Duchesneau M, Dufour V, Manning CFrigau, Giroud V, Guerpin M, Gumplowicz P et al..  2020.  La critique musicale au XXe siècle . :1vol.(1564p.):.
Vela-del-Campo JÁngel, Cacciari M.  2020.  La palabra que falta: El dios indecible de Moisés y Aarón de Schönberg..
Vela-González M.  2020.  Las nueve sinfonías de Beethoven: La evolución del genio a partir de su discurso orquestal.. :248p..
Tihamér V, Pál R, Jovanović J, Lajić MDanka, Lásztity P, Vujicsics M, Gábor E.  2020.  Musičke tradicije južnih Slovena u Mađarskoj = A magyarországi délszlávok zenei hagyományai = Musical traditions of South Slavs in Hungary . :617.
Van Rij I.  2020.  The other worlds of Hector Berlioz : travels with the orchestra /. :1volume:.
Viljoen M.  2020.  A Passage of Nostalgia : The Life and Work of Jacobus Kloppers. :viii,349.
van der Steen B, Verburgh TPF.  2020.  Researching subcultures, myth and memory . :1volume;.
van der Steen B, Verburgh TPF.  2020.  Researching subcultures, myth and memory . :1volume;.
Vos S, Muller S.  2020.  Sulke Vriende is Skaars : Die Briewe van Arnold van Wyk en Anton Hartman, 1949-1981. :512.
Vernallis C, Rogers H, Perrott L.  2020.  Transmedia directors : artistry, industry, and new audiovisual aesthetics /. :xvii,509pages;.
Vesić D.  2020.  Zamisli život : novi val - prva generacija. :351.
Verdú PCapdepón, Comín JJosé Pas.  2021.  Beethoven desde España : estudios interdisciplinares y recepción musical /. :639pages:.
Tchaikovsky PIlich, von Meck NFilaretovn, von Westernhagen L, Wille I, Poldiaeva E., Kohlhase T, Vinocour L.  2021.  Briefwechsel 1876-1890 : in drei Bänden /. :volumes;.
Tchaikovsky PIlich, von Meck NFilaretovn, von Westernhagen L, Wille I, Poldiaeva E., Kohlhase T, Vinocour L.  2021.  Briefwechsel 1876-1890 : in drei Bänden /. :volumes;.
Tchaikovsky PIlich, von Meck NFilaretovn, von Westernhagen L, Wille I, Poldiaeva E., Kohlhase T, Vinocour L.  2021.  Briefwechsel 1876-1890 : in drei Bänden /. :volumes;.
Hawkins R, Bergsman S, Vera B.  2021.  Chapel of love : the story of New Orleans girl group the Dixie Cups /. :1onlineresource..
Verdier V.  2021.  Créations musicales : une approche philosophique /. :270pages:.
Vivien A, Kinga P, Vivien S, Sándor V.  2021.  Dance, age and politics : proceedings of the 30th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnomusicology 28th July-3nd August 2018 Szent-Györgyi Albert Agóra Cultural Centre, Szeged . :478.
Vivien A, Kinga P, Vivien S, Sándor V.  2021.  Dance, age and politics : proceedings of the 30th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Ethnomusicology 28th July-3nd August 2018 Szent-Györgyi Albert Agóra Cultural Centre, Szeged . :478.
Gómez-Castellano I, Vialette A.  2021.  Dissonances of modernity : music, text, and performance in modern Spain /. number 318:1onlineresource:.
Vondráček D, Lee J.  2021.  The East, the West, and the In-Between in music : proceedings of the international conference, Munich, 9-10 November 2018 /. Sonderband 2:236pages:.
Verdú PCapdepón, Marín LAntonio Go.  2021.  Entre lo italiano y lo español : músicas, influencias mutuas y espacios compartidos (siglos XVI-XX) /. :544pages:.
