Recent Publications in Music

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Kallio AAnja, Westerlund H, Karlsen S, Marsh K, Sæther E.  2021.  The politics of diversity in music education . v. 29:1onlineresource.
Nono L, Cacciari M., Benjamin W, Hölderlin F, Richard A., Mazzolini M., Nielinger-Vakil C.  2021.  Prometeo : tragedia dell'ascolta /. :1book(513pages);.
Marrington M.  2021.  Recording the classical guitar . :1onlineresource(xii,432pages).
Powers H, Mukherji S.  2021.  Rītigaula : a study of improvisation and discourse in Indian music /. :1onlineresource.
Powers H, Mukherji S.  2021.  Rītigaula : a study of improvisation and discourse in Indian music /. :xix,272pages:.
Myers M.  2021.  Rock concert : an oral history as told by the artists, backstage insiders, and fans who were there /. :viii,311pages,16pagesofplates:.
Millen P.  2021.  Rockin' the city of churches : a history of recorded music in Adelaide in the 1960s /. :1volume:.
Campbell M, Gilbert J, Myers A.  2021.  The science of brass instruments . :1onlineresource(xvi,443pages):.
Macafee C.  2021.  Scots folk singers and their sources : a study of two major Scottish song collections /. volume 31:1onlineresource:.
McKay T.  2021.  A semiotic approach to open notations : ambiguity as opportunity /. :75pages:.
Massaro J.  2021.  Shades of Springsteen : politics, love, sports, and masculinity /. :1onlineresource.
Bourdaghs MK, Iovene P, Mason K.  2021.  Sound alignments : popular music in Asia's cold wars /. :1onlineresource(vi,295pages):.
Lochhead J., Mendieta E., Smith SDecatur..  2021.  Sound and Affect Voice, Music, World.. :1onlineresource(416p.).
Marienberg E.  2021.  Sting and religion : the Catholic-shaped imagination of a rock icon /. :xvii,215pages;.
Marx R.  2021.  Stories to tell : a memoir /. :1onlineresource:.
Fell M, Mackay R, Gilmore J.  2021.  Structure and synthesis : the anatomy of practice /. :398pages:.
Magdolna J, Árpád KKun.  2021.  SzocOper : az operett újjáépítése 1949-1956 között . :590.
Madrid AL.  2021.  Tania León's Stride : a polyrhythmic life /. :1onlineresource(xvi,249pages):.
Mooney KEdward.  2021.  Texas jazz singer : Louise Tobin in the golden age of swing and beyond /. number twenty-five:1onlineresource..
Meïmoun F..  2021.  Time stretch= Entretien avec Bruno Mantovani/. :129pages;.
Abromont C, Montalembert Ede..  2021.  Vocabulaire de l'harmonie . :1vol.(251p.):.
Chinmoy S, Mária SLukáts.  2021.  A zene forrása : zene és mantra az önfelismeréshez . :133.
