Recent Publications in Music

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Mihalyi A.  2020.  Napetice iskosa : glazba u doba hi-fia : (teme, mapiranja i konteksti). :679.
McCann S, Aragon A, Smith M.  2020.  One good reason : a memoir of addiction and recovery, music and love /.
Mertens G.  2020.  Orchesterland Deutschland Wie die deutsche Einheit die Orchesterlandschaft verändert hat.. :128Seiten.
Moody I, Medić I.  2020.  Orthodoxy, Music, Politics and Art in Russia and Eastern Europe. Conference and Festival Orthodoxy, Music, Politics and Art in Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe. :263.
Moody I, Medić I.  2020.  Orthodoxy, Music, Politics and Art in Russia and Eastern Europe. Conference and Festival Orthodoxy, Music, Politics and Art in Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe. :263.
McAuley T, Nielsen N, Levinson J.  2020.  The Oxford handbook of western music and philosophy . :1onlineresource(1152pages):.
Montgomery T.  2020.  The Paul McCartney catalog : a complete annotated discography of solo works, 1967-2019 /. :vii,208pages;.
Magnat V.  2020.  The performative power of vocality . :1onlineresource(xix,240pages).
Marvin RMontemorra.  2020.  The politics of Verdi's Cantica . :1volume;.
Máté B.  2020.  A politika reprezentációja a kortárs könnyűzenében . :172.
Máté B.  2020.  A politika reprezentációja a kortárs könnyűzenében . :172.
Mazierska E, Győri Z.  2020.  Popular music and the moving image in Eastern Europe . :1volume:.
Borthwick S, Moy R.  2020.  Popular music genres : an introduction /. :1onlineresource..
Mitsui T.  2020.  Popular music in Japan : transformation inspired by the West /. :1onlineresource:.
Mitsui T.  2020.  Popular music in Japan : transformation inspired by the West /. :1volume:.
Mazierska E, Gillon L, Rigg T.  2020.  Popular music in the post-digital age : politics, economy, culture and technology /. :1volume;.
Moylan W.  2020.  Recording analysis : how the record shapes the song /. :1onlineresource:.
Crespi P, Manghani S.  2020.  Rhythm and critique : technics, modalities, practices /. :1volume:.
Mylius J.  2020.  Rock, pop og idoler . :1onlineresource.
Moesbol J.  2020.  Sanghoandbogen : en praesentation af sangene i Hojskolesangbogens 19. udgave. :590sider;.
Densmore J, Mortensen V.  2020.  The seekers : meetings with remarkable musicians (and other artists) /. :xxiii,216pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
McCarthy DWilliam, Turek R.  2020.  Singing and dictation for today's musician . :1volume:.
Morley P.  2020.  A sound mind : how I fell in love with classical music (and decided to rewrite its entire history) /. :599pages;.
Madden C.  2020.  Springsteen as soundtrack : the sound of the Boss in film and television /. :x,232pages:.
Vos S, Muller S.  2020.  Sulke Vriende is Skaars : Die Briewe van Arnold van Wyk en Anton Hartman, 1949-1981. :512.
