Recent Publications in Music

845 Ergebnisse gefunden
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Dobney JKerr..  2011.  Guitar heroes : legendary craftsmen from Italy to New York /. :48p.:.
McIver J..  2011.  Holy rock & rollers : the story of Kings of Leon /. :x,217p.,[16]p.ofplates.:.
McMurtrie J.  2011.  Iron Maiden : on board flight 666 : a photo documentary /. :251p.:.
McKagan D..  2011.  It's so easy (and other lies) : the autobiography /. :366p.,[16]p.ofplates:.
Mantzourani E..  2011.  The life and twelve-note music of Nikos Skalkottas . :xxvi,414p.:.
Musgrave M.  2011.  The life of Schumann . :x,224p.:.
Morán R..  2011.  Mancunians and music : tales of the internet, the underground and the Manchester music scene 1998-2011 /. :252p.:.
MacQuaile B.  2011.  March away my brothers: Irish soldiers and their music in the Great War. :125pages.
Morbio VCrespi.  2011.  Mario Sironi alla Scala. :83pages:.
Meconi H..  2011.  Medieval music. :xli,517p.:.
Norton-Hale R., Mozart WAmadeus, Da Ponte L.  2011.  Mozart's Don Giovanni . :80p.;.
Mullaney-Dignam K.  2011.  Music and dancing at Castletown, Co. Kildare, 1759-1821. Maynooth studies in local history. :62pages.
Malone G.  2011.  Music for the people : the pleasures and pitfalls of classical music /. :342p.:.
Marshall E..  2011.  Music in the landscape : how the British countryside inspired our greatest composers /. :296p.:.
Music G.  2011.  Nurturing natures : attachment and children's emotional, sociocultural, and brain development /. :xvi,314p.:.
Mair B..  2011.  Only Men Aloud : y llyfr = the book /. :105p.:.
McShane AJ.  2011.  Political broadside ballads of seventeenth-century England : a critical bibliography /. :xlvii,591p.;.
Macdonald R..  2011.  Propellerhead Reason : the ultimate guide /. :130p.:.
Kramer H., Manferto V..  2011.  Rolling Stones : 50 years of rock /. :271.
Carr C, Cartwright A, Chase D, Hammond N, Karath K, Menzies H, Turner D, Bronson F.  2011.  The sound of music family scrapbook. :95pages,4unnumberedfoldedleaves:.
