Recent Publications in Music

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Olga G, Erika S, Mária P.  2020.  Géczy Olga : karmester és festőművész . :176.
Hepworth-Sawyer R, Hodgson J, King L, Marrington M.  2020.  Gender in music production . :1volume:.
Gutiérrez-Carreras P, Menéndez-Torrellas G.  2020.  Giacomo Puccini y la dramaturgia omnipresente.. :106p..
Marić M.  2020.  Glazba iz arhiva srednjobosanskih franjevačkih samostana = Music from the Archives of Central Bosnian Franciscan Monasteries . Muzikološke studije. 22:227.
Metten J-A..  2020.  Gustav Mahler, un génie universel . :232pages;.
Muñoz LAntonio.  2020.  Historia oculta de la música. Magia, geometría sagrada, masonería y otros misterios. :397p..
Perković I, Masnikosa M.  2020.  The History of Serbian Music: Issues of Identity. :701.
Morrison HHiwaroa, Jnr. HOMorrison.  2020.  "How great thou art" " Sir Howard Morrison, the untold story. :338.
Melton W.  2020.  Humperdinck : a life of the composer of Hänsel und Gretel /. :1volume:.
mihály B.  2020.  Idehallgass! : bepillantás a hangok, zajok izgalmas világába. :24.
Mahlert U.  2020.  Instrumentalpädagogik in Studium und Beruf eine persönliche Bestandsaufnahme. :192Seiten.
Tomić VFranić, Novak SProsperov, Stipčević E, McMaster G.  2020.  The Italian opera libretto and Dubrovnik theatre (17th and 18th century) . :136pages:.
Melville C.  2020.  It's a London thing : how rare groove, acid house and jungle remapped the city /. :1onlineresource..
Mercier J, Labbé S.  2020.  Jaune : Jean-Pierre Ferland : dans les coulisses d'un grand succès québécois /. :47pages:.
Murray N.  2020.  Jean Leloup: le principe de la mygale : essai /. :217pages:.
Guesnet F, Matis B, Polonsky A.  2020.  Jews and music-making in the Polish lands . 32:1volume:.
Mendelson J.  2020.  Joetry : well-selected lyrix from six decades...of song /. :96pages;.
Marquard R, Morrison H, Walter M, Harmsen S, Lichdi T, Harvey P, Immler C, Bernius F, Bach JSebastian.  2020.  Johann Sebastian Bach : Matthäus-Passion /. :182pages:.
Marquard R, Morrison H, Walter M, Harmsen S, Lichdi T, Harvey P, Immler C, Bernius F, Bach JSebastian.  2020.  Johann Sebastian Bach : Matthäus-Passion /. :182pages:.
Münster R, Hauschka T.  2020.  Johannes Brahms : Beiträge zu seiner Biographie /. :284pages;.
Musikforschung D-UKrems. Zen.  2020.  Josef Strauss (1827-1870). Perlen der Liebe, op. 39 Konzertwalzer, Partitur.. :1onlineresource(82p.).
Morrison V.  2020.  Keep 'er lit : new selected lyrics /. :1onlineresource..
Driscoll CM, Miller MR, Pinn AB.  2020.  Kendrick Lamar and the making of black meaning . :1onlineresource..
Tonković Ž, Krolo KR, Marcelić S.  2020.  Klasika, punk, cajke : kulturni kapital i vrijednosti mladih u gradovima na jadranskoj obali. :319.
Picard T., Candoni J-F., Bécue A., Coste C, Duchesneau M, Dufour V, Manning CFrigau, Giroud V, Guerpin M, Gumplowicz P et al..  2020.  La critique musicale au XXe siècle . :1vol.(1564p.):.
