Recent Publications in Music

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de Raymond L.Bernard, Morabito F..  2021.  Antoine Reicha and the making of the Nineteenth-Century composer . :360p.;.
Maras A..  2021.  Apollinaire, les musiciens et la musique. . :1onlineresource.
Menyhért E.  2021.  Az a híres domaházi menyecske.. : domaházi népdalok . :200.
Hein M, Tuxen E, Tuxen E, Ziegler L, Ziegler L, Schiotz A, Norregaard K, Kordt A, Kordt I, Madsen G et al..  2021.  Bernhard Christensen . :1bog(104sider):.
Baade C., McGee KA.  2021.  Beyoncé in the World Making Meaning with Queen Bey in Troubled Times.. :1onlineresource(457p.)..
McHugh D.  2021.  The big parade : Meredith Willson's musicals from the Music Man To 1491 /. :1onlineresource(xiv,272pages):.
Buchanan D, Mitchell L.  2021.  The birds began to sing : a memoir of a New Zealand composer . :240.
Buchanan D, Mitchell L.  2021.  The birds began to sing: a memoir of a New Zealand Composer. :240.
Bizet G, Macdonald H, Bizet G, Bizet G.  2021.  Bizet in Italy : letters and journals, 1857-1860 /. :xxiii,258pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Minder-Jeanneret I..  2021.  Caroline Boissier-Butini (1786-1836), compositrice et pianiste genevoise . :224pages:.
Bartók J.Béla, Gábor V, Ágnes V, Márta R.  2021.  Chronicles of Béla Bartók's life. :521.
Metastasio P, Beniscelli A, Cotticelli F, Tongiorgi D.  2021.  "Di Vienna e di me" : dalle lettere di Pietro Metastasio = Aus den Briefen des Pietro Metastasio = From the letters of Pietro Metastasio /. 12:179pages:.
Menyhért E.  2021.  Domaházi torony de messzire ellátszik : a Domaházi Hagyományőrző Együttes története, műsorai. :235.
Manchado-Torres M.  2021.  El Laboratorio de Informática y Electrónica Musical (LIEM) del Centro para la Difusión de la Música Contemporánea (CDMC): un instrumento inclusivo para la creación electroacústica. Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Departamento de Musicología. :757p..
Munárriz-Ortiz J.  2021.  Encuentros sonoros: música experimental y arte sonoro. :184p..
Verdú PCapdepón, Marín LAntonio Go.  2021.  Entre lo italiano y lo español : músicas, influencias mutuas y espacios compartidos (siglos XVI-XX) /. :544pages:.
János SFerenc, Marietta BKaskötő.  2021.  "Eritis mihi testes" : az 1938-as budapesti Nemzetközi Eucharistikus Kongresszus hangfelvételei . :120.
Maxwell I.  2021.  Ernest John Moeran : His life and music /. :1onlineresource(376pages).
Myrick N, Porter MJames.  2021.  Ethics and Christian musicking . :1onlineresource(xiii,282pages).
Charrieras D, Mouillot F.  2021.  Fractured scenes : underground music-making in Hong Kong and East Asia /. :1onlineresource.
McVeagh DM, Finzi G.  2021.  Gerald Finzi's letters, 1915-1956 . :xxvi,1052pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Miranda EReck..  2021.  Handbook of artificial intelligence for music foundations, advanced approaches, and developments for creativity /. :1onlineresource.
Magdolna J, Árpád KKun.  2021.  "Hát újra itt..." : operettkánon és - műfaj. :239.
Mungons K, Yeo D.  2021.  Homer Rodeheaver and the rise of the gospel music industry . :331pages:.
Mungons K, Yeo D.  2021.  Homer Rodeheaver and the rise of the gospel music industry . :331pages:.
