Recent Publications in Music

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Filterkriterien: Anfangsbuchstabe Des Nachnamens gleich M  [Alle Filter zurücksetzen]
Moylan W.  2020.  Recording analysis : how the record shapes the song /. :1onlineresource:.
Crespi P, Manghani S.  2020.  Rhythm and critique : technics, modalities, practices /. :1volume:.
Mylius J.  2020.  Rock, pop og idoler . :1onlineresource.
Moesbol J.  2020.  Sanghoandbogen : en praesentation af sangene i Hojskolesangbogens 19. udgave. :590sider;.
Densmore J, Mortensen V.  2020.  The seekers : meetings with remarkable musicians (and other artists) /. :xxiii,216pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
McCarthy DWilliam, Turek R.  2020.  Singing and dictation for today's musician . :1volume:.
Morley P.  2020.  A sound mind : how I fell in love with classical music (and decided to rewrite its entire history) /. :599pages;.
Madden C.  2020.  Springsteen as soundtrack : the sound of the Boss in film and television /. :x,232pages:.
Vos S, Muller S.  2020.  Sulke Vriende is Skaars : Die Briewe van Arnold van Wyk en Anton Hartman, 1949-1981. :512.
Wiggins P, Matheis F, Wald E.  2020.  Sweet bitter blues : Washington, DC's homemade blues /. :1onlineresource(xiii,259pages).
Mclver J, Attila K, Ádám V.  2020.  To live is to die : Cliff Burton élete, halála és a Metallica hőskora . :265.
Cuevas A, Moreno M.  2020.  Todo era posible: Revistas underground y de contracultura en España, 1968-1983. :260p..
Maier CJ.  2020.  Transcultural sound practices : British Asian dance music as cultural transformation /. :xii,225pages;.
Martin T.  2020.  Transnational flamenco : exchange and the individual in British and Spanish flamenco culture /. :1volume:.
Malmborg J.  2020.  Trubbel : berättelsen om Olle Adolphson.
Meredith S.  2020.  Tuk music tradition in Barbados . :1volume;.
Maguire S.  2020.  Vincenzo Bellini and the aesthetics of early nineteenth-century Italian opera . 7:1volume;.
Muchitsch V.  2020.  Vocal figurations : technique, technology, and mediation in the gendering of voice in twenty-first-century pop music.
Matzkov G.  2020.  Way out west : the West Australian pop rock blues music scene 1960-1979 /. :1unnumberedvolume:.
Marsh C, Campbell MV.  2020.  We still here : hip hop north of the 49th parallel /. :1onlineresource.
Müller CA.  2020.  Werk oder Ware? : wirtschaftlicher Strukturwandel in der Tonträgerindustrie der Bundesrepublik zwischen 1951 und 1983 / :255pages:.
Marsden B.  2020.  Where's my guitar? : an inside story of British rock and roll / :1volume:.
Medić I.  2020.  Паралелне историје : савремена српска уметничка музика у дијаспори. :317.
