Recent Publications in Music

845 Ergebnisse gefunden
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Muirhead S.  2012.  Joe Harriott : sketches from life /. :39pages:.
Mitchell D..  2012.  Learning through movement and music : exercise your smarts /. :xiv,82p.:.
Marcus G..  2012.  Listening to Van Morrison . :x,195p.;.
Mathias R.  2012.  Lutyens, Maconchy, Williams and twentieth-century British music : a blest trio of sirens /. :xii,311pages:.
Mills P.  2012.  Media and popular music . :vii,168p.;.
Grimes N., Mace AR.  2012.  Mendelssohn perspectives . :xxii,368p.:.
Munstedt PAlan..  2012.  Money for the asking : fundraising in music libraries /. no. 7:x,130pages:.
Maddocks A.  2012.  A music education programme for class music teaching (age 0 to 13 years). . :168pages:.
MacDonald RAR, Kreutz G, Mitchell L..  2012.  Music, health, and wellbeing . :xii,550p.:.
MacDonald RAR, Kreutz G, Mitchell L..  2012.  Music, health, and wellbeing . :xii,550p.:.
McPherson G., Davidson JW, Faulkner R.  2012.  Music in our lives : rethinking musical ability, development, and identity /. :viii,249p.:.
Moore TJ.  2012.  Music in Roman comedy. :xvi,452p.:.
Slade N.  2012.  The music management bible : the definitive guide to understanding music management.. :272p.;.
Howard D., Moretti L.  2012.  The music room in early modern France and Italy : sound, space, and object /. 176:xvi,339p.:.
Hargreaves DJ, Miell D., MacDonald RAR.  2012.  Musical imaginations : multidisciplinary perspectives on creativity, performance, and perception /. :xiii,482p.,[8]p.ofplates:.
Hargreaves DJ, Miell D., MacDonald RAR.  2012.  Musical imaginations : multidisciplinary perspectives on creativity, performance, and perception /. :xiii,482p.,[8]p.ofplates:.
McCarthy J, Williamson B.  2012.  Neverland . :ca.96p.:.
Watkins H, Harsent D, MacMillan J, Roberts MSymmons, MacRae S, Welsh L, Armstrong C, Strachan Z..  2012.  New Opera made in Scotland. . :127p.:.
Watkins H, Harsent D, MacMillan J, Roberts MSymmons, MacRae S, Welsh L, Armstrong C, Strachan Z..  2012.  New Opera made in Scotland. . :127p.:.
Messiaen O, Broad S..  2012.  Olivier Messiaen : journalism 1935-1939 /. :xiii,169p.:.
Dromey C, Wintle C.  2012.  The Pierrot Ensembles : chronicle and catalogue 1912-2012 /. :xii,299pages:.
McLaughlin N, McLoone M.  2012.  Rock and popular music in Ireland: before and after U2. :xiii,338pages.
McLaughlin N, McLoone M.  2012.  Rock and popular music in Ireland: before and after U2. :xiii,338pages.
McCallum C..  2012.  The sea . :48pages:.
Manasseh S..  2012.  Shbahoth : songs of praise in the Babylonian Jewish tradition from Baghdad to Bombay and London /. :xl,277p.:.
