Recent Publications in Music

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Honing H, Macdonald S.  2019.  The evolving animal orchestra : in search of what makes us musical /. :xviii,139pages:.
McTavish A.  2019.  Expressive arts and design in the early years : supporting young children's creativity through art, design, music, dance and imaginative play /. :1onlineresource:.
Schwander L, Flack M, Munk H.  2019.  The Fall (and my camera). :Ca.60sider:.
Mitchell M.  2019.  Final fire : a photographer's tales from a very small island : a memoir /. :x,423pages:.
Toop D, Moore T.  2019.  Flutter echo : living within sound /. :207pages:.
Mauceri J.  2019.  For the love of music : a conductor's guide to the art of listening /. :210pages:.
MacFarlane S.  2019.  Genesis : on track : every album, every song /. :1volume:.
McFerran K, Derrington P, Saarikallio S.  2019.  Handbook of music, adolescents, and wellbeing . :xiv,253pages:.
Menéndez-Torrellas G.  2019.  Historia del cuarteto de cuerda. Música. :304.
Morea M.  2019.  I will always love you : the loves, break-ups and songs that have made history /. :139pages:.
Mariño CGil, Miranda L.  2019.  Identity mediations in Latin American cinema and beyond : culture, music and transnational discourses /. :1volume;.
Mariño CGil, Miranda L.  2019.  Identity mediations in Latin American cinema and beyond : culture, music and transnational discourses /. :1onlineresource(ix,395pages.)..
Mariño CGil, Miranda L.  2019.  Identity mediations in Latin American cinema and beyond : culture, music and transnational discourses /. :1onlineresource(ix,395pages.)..
Mariño CGil, Miranda L.  2019.  Identity mediations in Latin American cinema and beyond : culture, music and transnational discourses /. :1volume;.
Ngema V, Mapaya MGeoff, Manganye NNyiko, Mojalefa MJerry.  2019.  Indigenous Music in South Africa : An Introduction. :174.
Ngema V, Mapaya MGeoff, Manganye NNyiko, Mojalefa MJerry.  2019.  Indigenous Music in South Africa : An Introduction. :174.
Ngema V, Mapaya MGeoff, Manganye NNyiko, Mojalefa MJerry.  2019.  Indigenous Music in South Africa : An Introduction. :174.
Mátyás B.  2019.  Információelmélet és népzenekutatás . :344.
Montoro-Bermejo A-D.  2019.  Inspiraciones flamencas en la obra de Mariano Medina Seguí. Historia. :44.
Mishra J, Fast B.  2019.  IPractice : technology in the 21st century music practice room /. :x,131pages:.
Melville C.  2019.  It's a London thing : how rare groove, acid house and jungle remapped the city /. :1volume:.
Mandel H.  2019.  Jazz & blues encyclopedia . :383pages:.
Leguay J-P, Mabit A.  2019.  Jean-Pierre Leguay : portrait d'un compositeur et improvisateur /. :349pages:.
Miklós D.  2019.  Jelképtől jelig : A kreativitás elveszítése a modern Nyugat zenei gyakorlatában. Claves ad Musicam. :250.
Ménard J.  2019.  John Lennon . 25
