Recent Publications in Music

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Kane J, DiBiase A, Lopez K.  2020.  The last seat in the house : the story of Hanley Sound /. :xxiv,516pages,17unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Lamb A.  2020.  Leslie Stuart : composer of Florodora /. :1onlineresource..
Mikić V.  2020.  Lica srpske muzike : Popularna muzika . :201.
Loch S.  2020.  A life in the spirit of jazz Siggi Loch 80. :182Seiten.
Le Menestrel S.  2020.  Lives in music : mobility and change in a global context /. :1volume:.
Libin KL.  2020.  The Lobkowicz Collections music series : Beethoven /. 2:80pages:.
Levente K.  2020.  A maestro : exkluzív beszélgetés Ennio Morriconéval, a filmzene halhatatlan legendájával . :223.
Lidija BA..  2020.  Međimurska popevka. :391.
Lawrence I.  2020.  More ukulele magic. . :1volume;.
Lajos F.  2020.  Mozart és Haydn a szabadkőmívességben . :52.
Osborne R., Laing D..  2020.  Music by Numbers : The Use and Abuse of Statistics in the Music Industries /. :1onlineresource(280p.).
Jackson AS, Luyk S..  2020.  Music research data management : a guide for librarians . Music Library Association technical reports series . :vii,142pages.
Tihamér V, Pál R, Jovanović J, Lajić MDanka, Lásztity P, Vujicsics M, Gábor E.  2020.  Musičke tradicije južnih Slovena u Mađarskoj = A magyarországi délszlávok zenei hagyományai = Musical traditions of South Slavs in Hungary . :617.
Tihamér V, Pál R, Jovanović J, Lajić MDanka, Lásztity P, Vujicsics M, Gábor E.  2020.  Musičke tradicije južnih Slovena u Mađarskoj = A magyarországi délszlávok zenei hagyományai = Musical traditions of South Slavs in Hungary . :617.
Leikin A.  2020.  The mystery of Chopin's Préludes . :1volume:.
Le THung.  2020.  Nguồn Gốc Đàn Tranh Việt Nam . :1onlineresource(PDF,29pages):.
Lobanova M, Ligeti G.  2020.  Nikolaj Andrejewitsch Roslawez und seine Zeit . :380Seiten.
Lobanova M, Ligeti G.  2020.  Nikolaj Andrejewitsch Roslawez und seine Zeit . :380Seiten.
Literska B, Comber J.  2020.  Nineteenth-century transcriptions of works by Fryderyk Chopin . volume 16:308pages:.
Schaeffner A, Taylor R, Lih A, Lih E.  2020.  The origin of musical instruments : an ethnological introduction to the history of instrumental music /. :1onlineresource:.
Schaeffner A, Taylor R, Lih A, Lih E.  2020.  The origin of musical instruments : an ethnological introduction to the history of instrumental music /. :1onlineresource:.
McAuley T, Nielsen N, Levinson J.  2020.  The Oxford handbook of western music and philosophy . :1onlineresource(1152pages):.
Levey MTherese.  2020.  The place of the Kyriale : the ordinary of the Mass in Catholic history, liturgy, and music /. :xii,207pages:.
Dammers R, LoPresti M.  2020.  Practical music education technology . :1onlineresource(xviii,107pages):.
, Whitfield S, Lovelock J.  2020.  Rock and pop, musical theatre and jazz. . :1volume;.
