Recent Publications in Music

548 Ergebnisse gefunden
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Leijonhufvud S, Gullberg A-K.  2019.  Researching Transformative Technology and its affordance for students within Higher Music Education [Elektronisk resurs].
Bloechl OAshley, Lowe MDiane, Kallberg J.  2019.  Rethinking difference in music scholarship . :xvi,434pages:.
Green J, Barker G, Lowry R.  2019.  A riot of our own : night and day with The Clash - and after /. :1volume:.
Green J, Barker G, Lowry R.  2019.  A riot of our own : night and day with The Clash - and after /. :1onlineresource:.
B. László T, Ferenc S.  2019.  Rock 'n' roll legendák a 60-as, 70-es, 80-as évektől . :111.
B. László T, Ferenc S.  2019.  Rock 'n' roll legendák a 60-as, 70-es, 80-as évektől. :111.
Leach R.  2019.  Russian futurist theatre : theory and practice /. :1volume:.
Love JK.  2019.  Soda goes pop : Pepsi-Cola advertising and popular music /. :x,319pages:.
Carlsson S, Leijonhufvud J.  2019.  Spotify inifrån : så blir man störst i världen.
Løppenthin T.  2019.  Supertanker : Kliché,1977-85. :255sider:.
László S, Gábor S, Ágnes K.  2019.  Szalkai-kódex : Szalkai László esztergomi érsek iskoláskönyve. :LIII,522.
Lavocah M.  2019.  Tango masters. . :ix,300pages:.
Levy D.  2019.  A teaching artist's companion : how to define and develop your practice /. :xvi,324pages:.
Levitin DJ.  2019.  This is your brain on music : understanding a human obsession /. :vi,322pages;.
Lundström H\aakan.  2019.  Tobias Norlind : musikforskare, museichef, folkhögskoleman.
Julien P, Godin G, Germain E, Livernois J.  2019.  Ton métier, le mien, le Québec : fragments de correspondance amoureuse et politique, 1962-1993 /. :150pages:.
Lemay D.  2019.  Une centenaire pleine de vie : la société chorale de Saint-Lambert /. :78pages:.
Lázaro-López J-Á.  2019.  Víctor Erice y la música: La búsqueda de la revelación. :348.
Lissy R..  2019.  Virtuosität und Wiener Charme. Joseph Mayseder. Violinist und Komponist des Biedermeier (1789-1863). Leben, Werk und Rezeption. . :624pages.
Lambe S.  2019.  The voice : Frank Sinatra in the 1940s /. :1volume:.
Lewsey J.  2019.  Who's who in Verdi . :1onlineresource..
Leach J.  2019.  Wisdom for Worship Bands : Advice from Unexpected Places /. W239:28pages;.
Lenneberg H.  2019.  Witnesses and scholars : studies in musical biography /. :1onlineresource..
Lang M.  2019.  Woodstock : 3 days of peace & music /. :286pages:.
Béla B, László S.  2019.  Works for piano 1914-1920. Béla Bartók complete critical edition. 38:220.
