Recent Publications in Music

548 Ergebnisse gefunden
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Leach G, Graham-Jones I.  2012.  British composer profiles : a biographical dictionary of past British composers, 1800-2010 /. :viii,249pages:.
Lawson C, Stowell R..  2012.  The Cambridge history of musical performance . :xxvi,906p.:.
Public and Commercial Services Union,, Rock Against Racism (London, England),, Love Music Hate Racism (Campaign),.  2012.  Celebrating 10 years of Love Music Hate Racism : timetable.. :1foldedsheet:.
White P, Løvgreen G..  2012.  Cymysgwyr . :211pages:.
Lyon E.  2012.  Designing audio objects for MAX/MSP and PD . v. 25:xxx,340pages:.
A. Papakhian R, Lisius PH, Griscom R..  2012.  Directions in music cataloging . v. 32:xi,173pages:.
Pugni C, Saint-Georges H, Petipa M, Gautier T, Letellier RIgnatius.  2012.  Dochʹ Faraona = La fille du Pharaon = Pharaoh's daughter : ballet in 3 acts and 9 scenes with prologue and epilogue /. :xvii,161pages:.
Ward M..  2012.  F**k the radio, we've got apple juice : essays on a rock 'n' roll band /. :xix,197pages:.
Chiara MLuisa Dall, Giuntini R, Negri E., Luciani ARiccardo, Seravalli C.  2012.  From quantum information to musical semantics . :viii,124pages:.
Long P.  2012.  The history of the NME : high times and low lives at the world's most famous music magazine /. :240p.:.
Leonard M..  2012.  Hope and glory : a life of Dame Clara Butt /. :247pages:.
Lawlor H.  2012.  Irish harping, 1900-2010: 'it is new strung'. :198pages.
Lennon J, Davies H.  2012.  The John Lennon letters . :392p.:.
Pugni C, Letellier RIgnatius..  2012.  Koniok Gorbunok, ili Tsar-Devitsa : le petit cheval bossu, ou La Tsar-Demoiselle = The little humpbacked horse, or the Tsar-Maiden /. :Score.
Freeman D.  2012.  Little Mix : ready to fly /. :221pages:.
Levitz T.  2012.  Modernist mysteries : Perséphone /. :xxiii,655p.,[8]p.ofplates:.
